
A medical issue

"What are you waiting for? Get her off me," spoke Ji Yao through gritted teeth. Why was everyone slow to react today? Where they on a go-slow or something?

'AH dage, hurry up before your wife gets seduced by others!!!!'

This was Rui Li's exact thought while she watched Big Hei try to peel Xiaoyu off Ji Yao. Peeling off Xiaoyu was like trying to remove an octopus from a person's face. You remove one tentacle and move on to the next only for the previous one to attach itself again.

She might have been soothed but Ji Yao's face didn't look good at all. He wore a grim expression like a small animal trapped in a bear trap. If it weren't that it was Xiaoyu he would have electrocuted her to death by now.

He was like an electric eel and this girl had just challenged his bottom line with her grabby fingers. Haha, the only downside of electrocuting her to death would be that she will be stuck on his body until she is fried so that was a terrible plan.
