
Who did you corner earlier?

She had lived for a very long time but because of her Nocru bloodline she looked not a day over twenty-five and she loved eating young grass.

The reason why she didn't go for Ji Yao was because Ji Wen gave her a stern warning plus Ji Yao was like flavourless green grass as bland as tofu. Don't get her wrong, he was a fine specimen but his personality wasn't intriguing enough.

But this tall barely legal gentleman with fine features and a slim waist was her cup of tea. He was full of vigour brimming with an infectious youthful air.

When he walked in he was like a stream train ready to mince someone to pieces. But after a split second his expression relaxed before a radiant smile appeared on his face.

This rapid change in expressions made him seem schizophrenic but she didn't mind. She liked the stubborn angst type with a lot of baggage.
