

There is a denomination called The Alliance of Golden Fire, which resisted unscathed the passage of time and its members. Today, as 6,000 years ago, they have no written laws, doctrines and commandments and survive thanks to the ability of their members to infiltrate society and camouflage themselves among ordinary people.

The mantrusoes, who make up the sect, are direct descendants of brave human warriors and faithful to the promise made since the beginning of time, to protect and keep the word from harmful hands and thus preserve the peace and unity of the cosmos according to what was inscribed on the foundations of its foundation.

Nubky didn't know, but he was a mantruse. What made it so secret for so long, governs one of the rules of hard conduct that they must obey. Let no one be aware of its origins until it is ready to fulfill its mission and Nubky has finally reached that stage, even ignoring it.
