
Chapter 23

Scarlet's POV~~

My heartbeat stimulated like never before while on the ground. I felt Selena's tight grasp on me. The only thing I heard was a blast, followed by the loud cries of everyone including mine.

I raised my heard slowly still in a daze and saw Ian's hand enclosed around Eva as her defense. I perked up and squinted at the flames licking at the night air coming from the tank at the far perimeter where Dylan was headed before the explosion happened.

“Sky--Sky, are you okay? Ian asked frantically from where he was.

I nodded my head gradually, not able to find my voice, my eyes staring intently at the flames.

“Everyone alright?” I heard Eric's voice as he made his way towards Selena and me. I snapped out of my trance and looked over at Ian and Eva. He slowly sat up from his priors posture while Eva did the same.

“I think we are good,” he said helping Eva on her feet. Selena and I were both on our feet after some assistance from Eric. I looked at Selena and there was blood tickling down her face which she didn't seem to notice. She was too occupied keeping her grip on me while staring at the almost burnt out flames.

“W---where is Dylan?” Eva raised a question with a shaky voice, alarming us all.

We looked at each other and noticed he was not among us. We all jogged to where we last saw him before the blast and there he was, near the tank plopped on his back with his left leg crooked under his bottom, his eyes shaky. His whole body was bloody and his right arm all burnt.

"OMG!" Eva exclaimed horrified at the sight. I stiffened from where I stood with my eyes wide open as my jaw dropped in horror.

Eric bent down beside and began to spank his cheeks lightly. We all stood, shaken with fear as we watched Eric.

“Hey man, stay with us”

“Someone should dial 9-1-1 quick!!” Ian charged. I quickly took out my phone from my back pocket and proceeded to dial 9-1-1.

“What is it? Talk to me, man!” Eric was shouting now.

While waiting for a reply, I peered at Dylan and I noticed his hands were pointing at a specific orientation.

“I think he is tryna tell us some” I yelled going over to his side.

“911, what's your emergency?” The other line suddenly asked.

“Hi, we need help, there has been an accident” I sputtered.

“Give us your name and location and despatch team will be sent to you”

“Hilvery middle school, behind the old blocks...please hurry!” I said frantically, cutting the call when I saw the frustrated look on Eric's face as he tried to listen to what Dylan was struggling to say.

He still had his hands indicated in the same direction as before. I walked over to where he was implying and scanned around but there was no one or any sound of movements, just the stillness of the dark.

Precisely the moment I took a step to return to the group, I felt something hard underneath my shoes. I raised my leg and noticed the shiny item on the ground. Picking it up, I raised it to my face to get a better view of it in the dark. After scrutinizing it for a while and still not having a clue about it, I walked back to the group with the necklace in my pocket.

“Guys there was nothing...” I halted in my trails when I caught sight of Dylan's hand suddenly falling flat to the ground, lifeless. I gaped.

“Is he dead?” I locked eyes with Eva and noticed her swaying side to side.

“CATCH HER, SHE'S GOIN...” I yelled to Selena. But by then, she was already on the ground.

Britney's POV~~

I was still in my room, on my bed contemplating whether to go to school the next morning or not to. Since I entered my room and chased Nathan out, I haven't been out of my room and no one invaded my privacy.

“What if Eva wanted to know why I was avoiding her?” My inner self asked.

“I will just have to make sure I don't cross paths with her” I replied.

“She's not to blame you know. She will also have it rough when she finds out her dad and mom are screwing each other”


I moaned into my sheets in exasperation. I wonder if they noticed my sudden absence when I left.

“Hey, Michael said his brother is trying to get in touch with you and that its urgent” Nathan popped his head into my room. I raised my head and looked at him startled. Michael was Eric's younger brother, about the same age as Nathan, 15. They attended the same school and were in the same class, thus their friendship.

“Did he say why?” I asked.

“Nope, just said Eric asked him to pass this info to me, and from me to you!” He said confusing me more.

I sighed in frustration and turned to look around for my phone.

“Oh no!” I let out a whine when I realized my phone was still in my car. Nathan rolled his eyes at me dramatically and closed the door behind him. I grabbed my car keys and rushed downstairs in my blouse and undies.

Unlocking the car, I plunged inside and put my head in the backseat with the front seats bolstering my body. I scoured through the seats and...”voilà” there it was, in the corner of the seat. I switched it on as I veered my body around and settled on the driver's seat. I was surprised at the message notifications and number of missed calls I had received. Fifteen from my mom, eight from Eric, eight from Eva and a few from my dad and Nathan. I stared at Eva's name and sighed. The time of her call was about the same time I left my mom's office and on my way to my serene spot. I guess she did worry about my sudden disappearance. My mouth made a twitch when a smile creeped it's way to my lips.

I shook my head vigorously and dialed Eric's number. It must be something important seeing as he asked his brother to pass on the info down to me.

“Hey! Where are you?” Are you okay? “ I was met with a female voice the minute the call went through.

My guess was, it was Sky. I furrowed my brows in doubt as to why Scarlet will be answering Eric's phone call.
