
Scream it All Off.

(You motherfucker, you're Imuthis arent' yah?)

Mike quickly snorted some jokes towards the giant creature.

Without holding back Mike change his attitude towards the creature.

Thinking back why Imuthis isn't responding in these past days maybe because of this reason.

His impression of Imuthis changes into something to Anonymous like he didn't know anything about Imuthis anymore.

('Memories are shared' my ass! You literally hiding all of this shit!)

He's certain that Imuthis is not an enemy, he must be certain or else... but anything other than that is a mystery since this guy appeared from his head.

One could have been doubting Imuthis when he started hiding from him but Mike has still trust him.

He must.

He certainly must be.

Or else...

(I'll try dragging you into the afterlife if this suffering shit is your cause.)

He deliberately said that with intent.

Even their power has this large gap.

Even his life is about to run out of the fire.

He'll persistently drag someone if this someone has redeemed itself to be his enemy.

His satisfaction must be fulfilled. For him this all human wants before reaching death.

Like someone who gets satisfaction when someone died or suicide.

The creature takes his threat seriously as it gives off a defense aura towards his answer.

This creature is cautious this must be why this guy survives here beyond the cliff.

The creature replied; "You're. Wrong," Giving Mike a question mark on his head.

(For fuck sake. Well since there are many questions in my head that haven't been answered I guess this is pretty much the same.)

As he jokes around he noticed something too late.

(Hmm? Wait what the fuck!?)

His body was been warped by a weird unknown liquid substance from the creature's tentacle hands.

Forming a shape of a sphere Mike feels the sticky liquid substance surged inside his body.

Little by little the pressure around him disappears before he could realize as his body's organs return back to function.

To his surprise why this creature gives him a second life. Imuthis appeared from his mind out of nowhere.


Like a loud bang, Mike's ear numbs out from the pain.

As Imuthis appeared his head had been cleared like his headache disappear all of the sudden.

His monster regeneration jumps in fixing every cell inside his body.

Recovering from the loud bang Mike blurted out some insults to Imuthis.


Mike is deeply pissed off because of the countless mystery that's been happening around him.

Now that he's at the place where he thinks it all started Mike will greedily want to know the answers.

Imuthis replied in an irritating manner showing how he's also pissed about why Mike can't understand a single thing happening right now. Mike's situation is understandable but I guess Imuthis is just pissed for something.

[That's what I'm telling you, idiot! That's not me! Stop being rude or else this creature will eat us!]

(H-huh!? What did you mean by that!?)

Mike is surprised another twist punches him straight to his face.

Turning his rusted head towards the creature, looking at its face carefully, this creature is truly not Imuthis. Just as the time past by his thinking goes back to normal and realized that he talks casually from death.

(Eh!? I'm sorry!) Like a normal human would react Mike immediately apologizes. Not that a normal human would, I mean if normal humans encounter this kind of situation I bet they cannot even think straight or even utter a single word.

Suffering really does change people, huh. Who doesn't, seriously?

Luckily, the creature didn't bother. Or more like it also didn't know a thing that Mike had said. This creature just barely talks in a human language you know... Give this creature a sympathy here. And also help Mike if possible, please.

Somehow as Mike continues to talk around the atmosphere around them turns into a lighter one.

[Mike this creature is dangerous, he has intelligence so watch your mouth, if possible just shut up. This creature is interested in you but I'll be the one who keeps him entertained while you recover.]

(Okay. Don't make him okay? You have my personality so I think the outcome will be also the same.)

[Don't lump me into you. Just now I feel more intelligent than you.]

Imuthis preparing his speech towards the creature, he pauses briefly and slowly bows to the creature.

[Uhhh... Eh...] However, as one would know. Imuthis has a slow thinking process.

Imuthis immediately knew that he fucked up. He turns around and asks for help like a kid who forgot his speech in front of the stage in the school.

Mike tried to help but the creature has already spoken.

From his speech, they were both surprised.

"I see that. You've been taking care. This small creature. I thank you for that."

What this creature meant when he said a small creature is Imuthis.

The creature follows up with some words to answer their silent confusion.

"This small creature came from my genes. So are yours. Because of that stupid seal that had been broken more seals within ones will be broken."

This creature in just a little time quickly learns the human language showing how intelligent it is.

What the creature says is that Imuthis came from its a gene and Mike's power also came from this creature.

Mike and Imuthis get a little thing from this creature's words. In his mind, Seal is the thing where the speed-up evolution started from but other than that is clueless to him.

The creature didn't stop there; "It's already total chaos. The seal everyone has was already broken. I... Don't care anymore."

(Okay, I haven't gotten a single thing from what he just said just now.)

[Don't worry, same here.]

(You came from him, right? Why can't you understand a single thing from him?)

[Shut up. I don't remember having a father here. I only remember that I'm born from my mother's brain.]

(M-mother... Aren't you forgetting that I'm a boy?)

[Your naked and your hair is so long along with the fact that your body is slim. If someone sees you I bet they would also think of you as a girl.]

"Shut up."

([Yes, sir.]) The two immediately shut up making the silent noise to be quiet.

"You keep me entertained for years, I'm really thank you for that. I'm finally satisfied with my life, you will be getting your freedom back.

Seriously, from the mere life forms that I grab to keep into my collection, everyone died except you. I'm planning to preserve you and place you in my collection but I guess that's unfortunate for me and you. Your desire to live is into my liking."

Seriously, Mike doesn't have a clue about a single thing now. Mike now images this creature as an old man who keeps spouting nonsense. He tried not to reveal what he had thought but he just can't hold back his laughter when he imagines it.

And then the creature said a thing which makes Mike caught his interest.

"I can't give you a gift like power or an artifact like those humans have been imagining if they encounter a myth or a legend like me. So how about I give you a deal?"

