
Chapter 11

Ken tucks Yuno in and takes a seat on the side of the bed feeling drowsy.

Senitsu celebrates from her castle as the reality clock ticks backwards. That's what happens when time and events are being altered drastically.

"Princess, what the hell are you doing? Messing with time is dangerous." Izumi's silhouette stands in front of her and she flicks her wrist at him.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, though I'm curious how you managed to reincarnate this time.

"I had a lot of fun erasing your blood line out of existence I'm just going to finish the job this time. I want you and all the originals gone."

Izumi shakes his head and disappears. He feels sorry for her time isn't something you just mess with the consequences are too great a cost. He knows that all too well.

Sharon walks into the room and spartan kicks his bedroom door open flopping on his bed.
