
The whispered request

What could he possibly want? was what invaded Lilith’s mind before the deal, but upon hearing such request from him, it was clear now. Every bizarre phenomenon that has been occurring in this house has probably something to do with him. Something that needs to be unravelled.

Under his cold, lifeless growl, he whispered a request across the wind to Lilith’s ear “Find my parents, my death.”

A request which might take long to satisfy his wish, a phrase uttered by the impostor, was a clue for Lilith to patch up. Something definitely smells fishy in this house. Of course, the previous Miss Florantine’s spirit was one of the strange occurrence, but it nevertheless has been solved.

Clasping lightly her chin, “Find my parents, my death.” She repeated under her breath. His family? His death? Were they the cause of his death? If the family are his real killers, then I would understand the reason for his grudge.
