
Hill house

"A vampire's almost...." Denisha counted "30 years of love story? Seriously?" She said in a surprised tone.

"Yup, I was also in shock when I heard that. It is impossible to believe that you can love someone for 30 years without getting it back.

"That's like impossible and he is a guy," She said and Aastha rolled her eyes.

"Den, It doesn't matter if he is a guy. Loyalty and love matters."

"Wow, that's something else. I can't imagine myself falling in love with someone and loving them for decades without getting it back. How do people do that? I mean your mama?"

"I don't know. I guess love is just love. Once it gets you, it never leaves how much you try." Aastha replied.

"Love is something else. It's crazy." Denisha said in a thoughtful tone.

"I need your help," Aastha told her.

"How can a werewolf help you in this?" Denisha asked.

Even though they were different creature they had so much love and support for eachother. They were best friends from childhood. Seeing them it seemed like a myth about vampire and werewolf being enemies. In their case it was so different. Not only them both of their families get along with eachother.

"I just want to know why he is the way he is. I mean we now know that one reason but I want to find other reasons too. What happened after college and why he was there at her house. I want to find everything but how?"

"Is he an angry type?" she asked.

"I don't know. Just help me, will you?" Aastha said in frustration. I really want to help my mama.

"Ok, ok, calm down," she said and gave Aastha an idea.

"No way, are you nuts?" Aastha said somewhat in a shocked tone."This is your idea? to get to know about everything? He will go and complain to Aama about it." Aastha almost yelled in frustration.

"You are his only niece. He won't hurt you and besides, do you have any other idea?" She asked rolling her eyes at her even though they couldn't see each other.

"It's not about him hurting me. It's more than that. I can't just go in front of him and say, hey mama, I know everything about her. I saw you with her now tell me all your secrets. like seriously? He will laugh in my face."

"I am just saying make him notice you. Once he knows that you know about everything. He has to tell you about her. He will not have other options."

"Oh really? If that so, Aama knows about her too but why he never said anything about that woman to her?"

Denisha sighed.

"Come on, Aastha. Just try, will you? Say my name and try it, ok?"

"But...." the phone went silent.

"This wolfie gonna get me in trouble," she said to herself, placing the phone on the back of her jean's pocket.

She has a wolf best friend. They have been best friends since they were little. They go to the same college and were always together. Even though she was a vampire, they had a great understanding between each other. She lived quite far from where Aastha was living cause her parents liked to live alone in the forest.

"Now what am I gonna do with her idea?" She asked herself thinking that it will not work.

Shaking her head and praying it works. she went towards where her uncle was but he was not there. She saw that the woman was lying alone in the bed but there were no traces of him. She didn't even know where he lived. She remembered her mom saying something like in the hills of Palpa but she didn't know the exact location.

Feeling tense, she went back to her home. It was already 1 am in the morning. Everyone was asleep. she went to her room but couldn't sleep. She had so many questions running in her head but couldn't ask anyone cause nobody had any answers. Someone was right, people can't be answers they are more questions. She did her best to sleep and finally sleep came. In the morning she asked where he lives and her mom replied.

"He lives alone in the top of the hills."

"You already told me that but I need an exact location."

"Why?" Her mom asked looking at her.

"I just wanted to know. He is my mama and I don't even know where he lives," she said very carefully so her mom wouldn't get suspicious. Her mom nodded and gave her the location.

She wanted to go there letting her mom know but she knew her mom would never allow it. So, she called her wolfie and she was ready to come with her. Denisha was excited that now, they can bunk college. They bunked college and went straight to the hills. They went through the jungle so no one would see them and finally after like an hour they were in front of the house.

There was a big farmhouse and both of them found it beautiful. The area that the house covered was big. There was no other house near. Till far they could see paddy field. They saw a huge garden in front of the house. They slowly entered the property. She knew they were all good cause her mama was not in good thinking condition. He was still mourning but she didn't know exactly what.

"Maybe her," Aastha thought but deep down she knew that was not only the reason.

If he was in good condition. He would have known they were there and they would have been in a great problem.

"Are you sure he won't know that we are here?" Denisha asked.

"If we go and stand an inch far from him, he won't even notice us. I know him," she replied.

In the garden, there were black and red roses covering most of the area. They saw him sitting in the middle of the garden under a huge beautiful tree but it was a flowering tree. When they looked up at the tree there were butterflies flying above the flowers. They looked in awe, amazed by the scene. He was half-naked. Denisha noticed his hand tattoo of a white lion.

"Wow, it's beautiful," she said.

"I know, that's my favourite tattoo on him," she replied.

"Now, its mine too,"

They then noticed not so small tattoo on the back of his neck. They slowly went near to see it clearly. They both loved tattoos and wanted to see it. He had a tattoo of Lord shiva with Trisul. She was not so religious person but she liked Lord Shiva.

Her bestie would tell her time and again how handsome he was. It was the first time Denisha had seen him and was already into him. She started to have a crush on him. They got to see his right side neck tattoo too. It was of an Angel with long hair, long wings and she had a crown on her head. On his left forearm, there was a long black rose tattoo with stem and leaf but there was a red glow around the flower which Aastha found confusing but Denisha loved it.

They were very different than each other. Aastha was thoughtful while Denisha was all carefree. They saw him leave the garden area and going towards the field where there were animals. He went and gave them food and water. He had cows, chicken, and some goats. It was weird how a man like him was into farming. He then went towards where Vegetables were growing. They slowly followed him.

He went and started to pluck spinach and that's when they saw that in his right palm there was a tattoo too. They tried to see it properly but couldn't cause they were a little far from him. He went inside the house and they started to roam in the garden. They saw different flowers in the garden and it made them happy.

After sitting in the garden for like forever waiting for him to come out, it was Denisha who came up with an idea that they should go and stalk that old lady too. When the time of college was over, they went back to home so no one would get suspicious about that them bunking the college. She threw her bag in the bed and then they went to see that woman. She was in the same park that Aastha saw her yesterday. She was alone. After like an hour her uncle came.

"He comes to see her every day?" Denisha asked and Aastha just shrugged and watched them.

"Why is he so handsome? I mean, I never saw any vampire so attractive like him even in their worst condition. He is so...." Denisha said and Aastha rolled her eyes at her question.

"Don't tell me you started to have a crush on him."

Denisha was silent so Aastha looked at her.

"It's the first time you saw him and He is my mama," Aastha said not believing that her best friend started to have a crush on him. Like, was she serious?

"Oh come on, it's just a crush and his heart is already taken by that old woe..man," denisha said twisting her lips in a funny way.

Aastha went silent while her Wolfie focused her attention at Aastha's mama. He was watching that woman from afar while that woman was in deep thought looking at the sky. Aastha noticed that he didn't have a cigarette in his fingers. They sat there for like 3 hours and not one of them moved. Denisha would tell Aastha time and again that she was bored. Aastha would tell her to have patience. She was spending the night at Aastha's house so it wasn't a problem and Aastha needed her there with her.

They went back home, ate dinner, and came back to find that both of them were still in the park. So they decided to go to that woman's house hoping they would find something.
