
The past-2

4 years ago

"Do you think he loves me, like really?" looking at Shanaya dressed in her casual blue shirt and brown cargo with hair tied up in a pony, sitting in one of the club pubs, Avni wearing a blue off-shoulder top and denim shorts spoke while gulping down the tequila shot in one go.

Playing with the water glass in her right hand, Shanaya looked at Avni sitting beside her.

It has been five months for them to share the same apartment, and they were more friends than the roommates. The very first day, Shanaya had moved in, Avni had welcomed her with a smile and, Shanaya knew it was genuine as she out of her habit had looked in Avni's eyes.

Over time, they had opened themself to each other and, now, they were at that stage where, none of them had any secrets, from each other.

"Dee, he loves you, like really" looking in her eyes, making sure she believes her words, Shanaya opted for the truth.
