
Embarrassing Situation and counter-responses

Vihaan knew something was wrong with him the moment Shana had told him about her likes in a man. The way she had looked at his body had made him hot and, he tried his best not to kiss her and claim her.

Not breaking the gaze with her, he kept reminding his mind, body not to react out of his control, even though it seemed unbearable to him. He could not believe it took a simple look at him to make him aware of his man needs, for whom the girl sitting opposite to him was fully responsible.

He took a breath of relief when he heard Saaransh and Vansh's voice nearby and saw Shana averting the gaze.

"Sorry guys for missing the meeting" sitting down on the sofa chair next to Vihaan, Saaransh waved at Shana and placed his phone adjacent to him on the sofa chair.

"Everything okay?" concerned, Vihaan enquired.

"Oh yes, Sushmita was facing some difficulties, so she called to clear her doubts."
