
Chapter 85: You are Next

There was a moment of silence that settled throughout the crowd. From Golems sudden explosive attack, to the swift decapitating victory of Queen; the crowd was momentarily stunned. Then the arena burst into a cacophony of deafening shouts and cheers that the very rafters shook!

Queen let out a heavy sigh and lowered her sword until its tip rested on the crumbling stage. Murmuring she said, "Release Armament." Then she raised her balled fist above her signaling her victory to all. The settling, swirling dust mixed with the lighting to create a rather surreal affect adding to her stellar finishing pose.

Though she was knocked down by Benny protecting her, Hanna managed to see the outcome. Tears welled up in her eyes as a feeling of mixed relief and remorse enveloped her. Killing was never something she had ever considered doing. Yet when she saw Aunt Lisa kill Golem, it felt good to her. Why?
