
Chapter 70: Till Next Time

Queen jumped to the right just as Golems fist pounded onto the pavement, sending a puff of dust off the ground and cracking the pavement. Hanna and the others could feel the impact vibrate through their feet, despite the distance.

Saul let out a chuckle upon feeling the impact. "Golem is getting warmed up now. Shame really. She was doing well up till now. I think he's going to use it now."

"Used to what?" Sadie asked glancing sideways at Saul.

Saul didn't reply and ignored her question. He only smiled and nodded in the Fighters direction. “Just watch.”

Feeling slightly annoyed Sadie looked back at the Fighters. Then she saw something that Saul might be referring too. Golems metal gloved hands had smoke coming from the back them. Sadie immediately opened up Golem’s shared file on her tabloid and scanning the notes quickly she felt her gut tighten. Those gloves were bad news!
