
The Next Direction (1) **

"Oh—hey, Ning Bi." Bo Ling answered his phone right before he stepped inside of the taxi. "My sister? Yeah, she went to the milk tea shop and actually brought this guy—he's that CEO on the news you know?"

Ning Bi's voice and question rang in Bo Ling's ears and he tried to stifle a laugh.

"My sister and the guy—you've got a very kinky mind. Oh crap, the taxi left me." Bo Ling looked up to see the taxi speeding away from him, no doubt thinking it was weird that he was talking with a girl. "Thanks Ning Bi, you scared off the guy."

She made another answer as Bo Ling rolled his eyes.

"You seriously don't know—actually, don't give me that picture. Please, I need to retain my sanity and can appreciate not thinking about my siblings in that way whatsoever. Bo Lifen's not the type either—oh come on, I know my sister better than you. I grew up with her. She's really not the type—" 

Bo Ling was convinced that his sister wouldn't do anything crazy.
