
Against a Fat Mohawk

The two mohawks didn't hear when I gave the order to my two familiars. And when they broke through the floor to reach the floor we're in, I will stop talking again.

Before the mohawks broke through the floor, Shelia already made a move and charged at one of them. I guess she know his location from the smell.

Shelia kicked the man as far as she could. Since we're fighting against a mohawk, if we fight too close with the others in this place, there will be casualties. That's why Shelia kicked him as far away as possible from here, and followed him soon after.

I don't expect that all of us will survive, but we need to reduce as many casualties as possible. Though Shelia's real reason why she kicked the man away most likely because she wants to fight him herself. She hasn't had enough of fighting powerful enemies so far.

Our real mission is over, now she can do whatever she wants. As for me, Graham and I will take care of this fat old man with mohawk.
