

*sew* *sew* *sew*

  *piak* *piak* *piak*

The arrows struck the carriage and pierced through it.

Ye Tian Yun and Jun Xie had suddenly disappeared from mid-air!


The carriage overturned and was broken into pieces.

A middle-aged man stared at the three overturned carriages from the top of the hill and the corpses lying around them.

"I see only four bodies… There are twelve of them. Shoot again, don't let them escape." He said in a hoarse voice.

It was unclear whom he said it, but the whole forest behind him suddenly began to create disturbances, as if a beast had woken up from a deep slumber.

Suddenly, arrows were once again fired; this time, their tip is lit with fire.

As soon as they strike the caravans, the carriages begin to burn.

The middle-aged narrowed his eyes.

Waiting with a bated breath.

Waiting for a survivor to run out of the carriages.
