
The confession

Even in this game of love and hate, of death and lies, right from the very first time the council spoke their ill will about the creatures who stalked the darkness like unholy shadows outside our borders of our clan, I have always known a warning has never been enough to stop for me. 

And it never will be.

I grin at Soren, eyes gleaming nefariously as I take a hold of his collar and pull him towards me with a daring boldness whose only likeness is that of the Scarlet Prince himself. Adrenaline flies through me, pulsing in my veins like lava in the molten heart of a volcano, boiling in my blood: the thrill of playing with fire and not getting burnt. Despite being in the palace of the dead, a place where lifeless bodies dance with anguished hearts and serpentine smiles long into the night under the grey parlour of the satin moon, it occurs to me that I have never felt more… alive. 
