

Hannah's POV:

I am thankful for the guy who invented the Alprazolam. If not for this drug, then I would have had a severe mental breakdown. 

Now I understand the famous quote ' Ignorance is bliss.' I choose to live in the illusion rather than facing reality. I want to stay in this bliss forever. 

Just then, my room opened, and Matthew got in. " Have you ever heard about knocking before entering a girl's room?" I shouted. 

Matthew didn't seem to care about my words. " Hannah, pack your bags. We are going to LA tomorrow," he announced. 

For the first time in days, I felt anxious. Is he going to take me to that city of monsters again? If I go there again, then I will catch all those bad memories again!

" No," I shouted out. "I don't want to go back there. That city is filled with soul-sucking dementors. I might not come out of there alive. Please don't take me there."

Matthew glared at me oddly. " Are you high on drugs?" he asked me. 
