
Just this One, Only Time ...

Andrzej reached out and touched the silky soft hair. Śliwiński moved his head towards his hand, like a kitten that wants to be petted. Is this sweet, sensitive Dominik so hungry for caresses and the warmth of human touch?

"Dominik" Andrzej leaned over him. The actor stopped his efforts and raised his head. Nowicki took his face in both hands and, pulling it up, leaned down even more. He didn't know why he was doing it. It took no sense or reason. Andrzej pressed his lips to Dominik's giving him a passionate kiss.

"Only once," he said when he finally paused to catch his breath. "Just this one time…"

He saw tears in Dominik's eyes, but his lips smiled happily, and Andrzej was already wearing his arms around him tightly and his lips devouring his skin with the hunger of greediness.

Damn it!
