
Chapter 8: Kind-hearted People

As Cairo does not sense any hostility from the people around him, the fatigue from what he had done the whole night just to survive overcomes him

It was already surprising that he is still conscious after pushing his body to the limits and also using all of his mana. The kid's eyes turned heavy and his vision that was only starting to get clearer became blurry again

In no time, Cairo was forced to fully close his eyes to sleep. Cairo is still only a child, he and the other kids in Blood Sand Town might have matured early because of their environment but that doesn't change the fact that they are still kids

Even Cairo's willingness to kill was mostly because he needs and wants to survive. He won't necessarily kill just for the sake of killing itself

The woman motioned for one of the people with her and a man carried Cairo's body. In the middle of this group was what looks like a carriage

The man carried Cairo's body inside the carriage and he gently placed the kid on it. A beautiful woman around in her twenties can be seen inside the carriage and she looks curiously at Cairo

Cairo's body is better than before but he was still skinny. He gained some fats but it still wasn't enough for someone his age

"What happened to him?" The woman asked and the man just shakes his head. "We don't know, he was running blindly in our direction. He said something about him not letting us kill or make him a slave"

A frown formed on the woman's face as she looks at Cairo with pity. "There might be slave traders nearby. Chase the kid's trails and let's see the situation. If there really are slave traders, we should help those people"

The man nodded his head and gave the woman's order to the others. There are currently about forty of them. They all have healthy looking bodies as if they were fed properly ever since they were born. Completely different from the townsmen in the town where Cairo came from

The woman turned her eyes back at Cairo before placing her hands above the kid's chest. Her hands glowed with a warm, gentle, white light and Cairo's breathing slowly returned back to normal

After that, she made water out of thin air and runs it to Cairo's body. The dirt from the youth was being gently washed away by the water while the woman was looking at him with pity

When the group of forty people arrived at Blood Sand Town, they saw that there are only a few townsmen resisting the slaves. The ground was literally littered with corpses everywhere and the ground was dyed with blood-red color

There are also some houses that were still burning and the smoke it created made the night even darker

The smell from both the corpses and smoke was so nauseating that people with weak stomach won't be able to take it

The old woman's face darkened at seeing the situation. Her eyes instantly flashed with anger while she looks at the poor townsmen slowly dying one by one

With a tap of her foot, the sands below the old woman rose and she 'surfed' on it. The sands carried her body to where the killings are happening

With literally a wave of her hand, grains of sands rose that bound both townsmen and slaves' bodies

"Stop!" The woman's voice reverberated around and even without her voice, the two sides were still forced to stop clashing with each other as their bodies were bound by sands

The people around looked at her with fear in their eyes. There are several mages in them but this woman single-handedly forced the killings to stop. Just what kind of power was needed to bind the more than a hundred people that were still alive?

"What is happening here?" The old woman asked before her eyes locked in the slaves' neck and she saw the slave marks on it

"Where is your leader?" The woman asked in one of the slaves who trembled in fear and he doesn't have the courage to speak

Seeing this, the granny frowned and controlled the sands around the slave to turn into sharp weapons. "Speak!"

With his life being threatened, the slave doesn't have a choice but to open his shaking mouth. "H-he's ... d-dead" the slave answered in a terrified manner

The granny frowned again before speaking. "This fight ends here! If any of you made trouble again I'll personally kill you!!" She threatened

The granny and her group might be kind-hearted and will help other people in need but they still know how the world works. In this world, not everything can be resolved with mere talks. Sometimes, they need to show actions to prevent others from trying to test their patience

"Jeremy, check if you can remove the slave bindings in them before releasing them. If not, just let them be as long as they won't attack anyone in this town again"

"Yes, Granny Adah!" The man called Jeremy replied and the old woman moved the sands binding the slaves so that they are placed literally in front of Jeremy

The man inspects the runes in the slave bindings and he was relieved that he can crack them. Jeremy used his index finger and mana to write runes on one of the slaves' neck

The runes glowed with a red light and the slave collar tattoo cracked apart before vanishing. "Y-you .... h-how?" The slave asked in shock. He literally felt that he was free again and he can't thank the man enough

"This is nothing to me" Jeremy answered with a smirk before walking towards the other slaves to do the same. However, since he was just a single person and there are tens of slaves, he can't free them all in a single session

The Granny and her group does not have a choice but to have the remaining slaves stay in one of the houses and have people guard them so that they won't be able to cause any further destructions

There are also some people that used water magic to stop the fires from spreading in a wider area and the night became peaceful again


June 30 Year 30,765

The next day, Cairo woke up late. His eyelids moved and when he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling. The kid's mind was still disoriented and he just stared at the ceiling with a blank expression in his eyes

When the memories from last night were remembered by Cairo, his eyes instantly went wide open and he became panicky. Cairo's body jolted and he sat on the bed he was in while checking his body

The youth used his hand to touch all over his body to see if there was something wrong with him. After a few seconds, Cairo was given a pleasant surprise as he did not felt any slave collar on his neck

Cairo expected his body to be tired and full of fatigue because of his actions last night but he does not feel any of that. When he looked at his shoulder, Cairo saw that the wound he had in there was properly bandaged and it even have some medicinal herbs scent

"Oh? You're awake" A gentle voice of a woman entered Cairo's ears. The kid stared at the woman warily and his body tensed. He didn't sense something different in his body but Cairo was still on guard to anyone

Although the woman was beautiful, not even an inch of admiration can be seen from Cairo, only cautiousness was with him

This made the woman shocked as this is like the first time in her life that someone was unbothered by her looks the first time they saw her

The woman has long silky black hair. Any signs of hardships or marks were absent on her face. The woman's eyes have a gentle glow in them and below it was her pointy nose. Even below that, was her moist red lips, completely different from the lips that the dehydrated townsmen have

Her chest was not that too big nor small and even with her being fully clothed, one can still imagine how sexy she is. Too bad for her that Cairo is indifferent to any kinds of beauty

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you. Here, eat this soup" the woman showed the bowl in her hand to Cairo that didn't stop putting his guard up

"Who are you?" Cairo asked while his body went deeper in the bed as he moved away from the woman with the limited space he has

"I'm Kira" the woman answered while feeling another round of pity for Cairo. Just what a kid like Cairo needs to experience to be this guarded towards other people?

"Eat here, it is safe I promise" To show that the food is really safe, Kira used the spoon to take some soup and ate it herself. "You can rest assured"

Kira smiled and from her hand, another spoon appeared out of nowhere causing Cairo's eyes to lock on her hand. "I have a spatial ring, this is something normal. I'll just leave the soup here, eat it so that it won't get cold"

Kira placed the bowl of soup at a nearby table before exiting the room Cairo was in to bring food to the other injured townsmen

Cairo looked at the bowl of soup, he can smell the stomach wetting scent from it but he still refrained from eating it. Since Cairo met the old man, he never felt hungry again just by eating the nutrient pills

However, the pills don't have any taste. Cairo wants to eat real food too but he also refrained from eating the bread inside his ring. If a time comes that he desperately needs food, Cairo doesn't want to regret eating the bread just because he wants to

Cairo swallowed a nutrient pill before cautiously moving out of the bed. He walks to the door and slowly opened it, his small eyes went to survey the outside but he doesn't see anything suspicious

The familiar reddish sand was still there and Cairo exited the room while readying himself to attack any time

What Cairo saw outside shocked him. There are several people outside happily eating and the few surviving kids were even playing around with their full stomachs

Cairo never saw something like this before. The townsmen were always starved, if anyone gained food, they must hide it and not show it to the public like this

The kid can also see bottles of water near the townsmen as they happily ate while chatting with each other. This is a scene he can only dream of before

"W-what is happening here?" Cairo muttered in shock and he walks around the town. Cairo can't believe what is happening and returned to the area where he always stayed before

The town changed so much and Cairo can't easily adapt to that. He went back to his trashcan and sat behind it. A book about magic immediately appeared in Cairo's hand

For now, the town seems safe and Cairo decided to hide in it. Outside the town was very dangerous and Cairo only forced himself to go out because of the danger

However, since, Cairo's life is not in immediate danger now, it would be better if he stays inside the town and continues increasing his strength

A time would come where Cairo can fearlessly travel outside this town as much as he can

The youth focused on his studies again and forgot the passage of time for the nth time. He was busy studying and he didn't realize that night time already arrived

"Why are you hiding here?" A woman's voice entered Cairo's ears and he immediately flinched at that

Cairo stood up and the book in his hand fell. Because of Cairo's cautiousness, grains of sands floated around him and he was ready to attack any time from now

"Why are you so cautious" Kira asked while shaking her head

Even after seeing a familiar face, Cairo still had the sands float around him. Only if he did that would he get some sense of security
