
And the Winner of the Presidential Election is . . .

"Never waste a minute thinking about people you don't like." --Dwight D. Eisenhower


It was the 2032 election in the United States. Roselle was just twenty-one years old and wasn't a political person, but this election was making her sweat. As the electoral college was rounding off the last of the votes on TV, Roselle munched on her hair, paced around the room, and wished with everything within her that her hunch wasn't true.

"I don't believe it!" a newscaster said.

Roselle jumped to the television. "No! That's impossible!" she shrieked.

"For the first time in American history, a third party has won the U.S. election. Ladies and gentlemen, the forty-eighth president of the United States is Armani Parker." The news cut to a rally of people cheering, hugging each other, and crying tears of joy, waving signs that said 'Parker 48'.

Roselle sank on the floor, eyeing the television in horror.

"So he really did it, huh?" Roselle's sister, Michelle, walked in the living room, shaking her head. "That's insane."

"I know," Roselle said, not wavering her eyes from the TV.

"That guy really is something else, isn't he? First, he got them to change the minimum age to run for president from thirty-five to twenty-one. Then, he convinces the most influential people in America to back him in the election. Then, he actually wins the election, even though he isn't running in one of the main two parties?" Michelle chuckled. "What a legend."

"This isn't funny," Roselle spat. "Do you even know what this means? He--"

"Don't even tell me that story again. I get it."

* * *

One day when Roselle and Armani were kids, they met up on the play structure at the park like they did every day. When Roselle approached him however, she knew that this day wasn't like other days. They've known each other since they were toddlers, but that was the first time she saw Armani cry.

Roselle sat next to him. "Why are you crying, dummy?" she asked.

Armani wiped his nose. "Don't call me dummy, you meanie!"

"But you are a dummy."

"Don't call me that. I'm sad. I want a hug." He held out his arms and attempted to embrace her, but she pushed him away and rejected him.

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm moving away to Washington D.C. next week."

Roselle dropped her jaw. "You what?" Her lip quivered. "But . . . but . . ." She tried not to, but now tears were falling from her eyes as well.

"Who's the dummy now?"

"Let's just stop calling each other dummy."

"I'm gonna miss my skateboard and my goldfish and my dog and my friends and this playground, but most of all, I'm gonna miss you."

Roselle's cheeks turned hot, and she turned away from him, attempting to hide it. "Thanks," she said.

"Are you gonna miss me too?"

"I'm gonna miss beating you at hide and seek."

"Hey, Roselle?"


"I love you."

Roselle whipped her head at Armani, finally looking him in the eyes. The sunset painted his face orange, and he wore a smile, even though tears streamed down his cheeks. She shook her head. "That-- that's--"

"Do you love me too?"

She shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "I don't really think about boyfriend stuff right now."

"I never told you this, but I think you're really smart, and really pretty, and you smell like flowers. When I get bigger, I want to marry you."

"Marry me?! Don't say stuff like that, we're just kids!"

"Will you marry me someday?"

She scoffed. "Yeah, when you become the president of the United States, I'll marry you."


"If I don't have a boyfriend then yeah." Roselle laughed. "But we learned in school today that you have to be thirty-five to be president. I know I'll have a boyfriend by then."

"Then I'll just have to change the law to become president younger!"

"You can't do that."



* * *

In present times, Roselle was on the couch with Michelle, who was comforting her. Sort of.

"You were children," Michelle said. "Kids say they're going to get married all the time, but it never happens. Do you really think that Armani would expect you to marry him because of a promise you made to each other when you were children? Do you think he went through all this effort and became PRESIDENT just so he could impress you? Honestly, you sound narcissistic."

"Well, it can't be a coincidence. He did everything he said he was going to. He even changed the law so he could win the election sooner. You don't know him. When he wants something, he gets it. He's cunning, and clever, and--"

Michelle giggled, but that giggle progressively built up and became a hard laugh. That laugh built up, and became a roar. That roar built up, and became whatever's next on the laugh-tier list.

"What now?" Roselle asked, now visibly annoyed.

"I just find it ironic, is all. You're over here worried that you're going to have to marry him because of the promise you made when you were kids, yet you're the one obsessing over him."

"I'm not."

"You are. I think deep down, you wish that your prince charming would come here, dazzle you, and ride off into the sunset with you, but you know that's not gonna happen. Why would you waste so much of your time thinking about him if you didn't like him? Think about it. All these years, did he ever contact you? Even once?"

Roselle sighed. "No."

"That's your answer then. Why would he go through all this effort to become president for you, and then not even take the time to message you 'hello'?" Michelle got up. "That's what I think anyway. You can waste more time deluding yourself if you want, but I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Good night." She walked out of the room.

Roselle, now alone, was watching the TV once again. Armani was on stage giving a speech to those that were attending his rally. She watched him intently, studying her old friend.

"It's such an honor to be elected as the next president of the United States," Armani said. "I am truly blessed, and truly humbled to be here today as your future leader."

The Armani Parker supporters shouted and cheered.

The speech continued for a bit. "I haven't had the best time as a child. When I moved, I lost everything. My parents and sister passed away. All I had was myself, and a dream: to make this cruel world a better place. That's why I'm standing up here today. It's time to take yesterday's pain, and turn that into tomorrow's success."

Roselle frowned at the TV. So he really didn't become president for her after all. It was all just a coincidence. "Well, good for you," she said, as though Armani could hear her. "I really hope you'll be happy now." She turned off the television, and dragged herself to bed. She could finally rest in peace knowing that President Armani Parker wasn't going to ask for her hand in marriage. She wasn't sad. She was just tired.

* * *

A week went by, and Roselle hadn't been contacted by President Parker. No texts, no emails, no calls, no nothing. Good. Great, even. That was just fantastic. She stalked him tenaciously on social media, but it wasn't because she missed him or anything. She was just concerned about the new president since he would be in charge of the country. As a U.S. citizen, it was her duty to stay informed, right?

"So you're a stalker now, huh?" Michelle asked.

Roselle jumped out of her chair and landed on the ground. "No, I'm not! I'm just getting into politics now. He's the next president! Of course I'm gonna research him."

Michelle raised a brow. "Right. See what I told you? He won, and he never once messaged you. He doesn't care about you after all." She looked out the window. "It's such a beautiful day. The sunset is so . . ."

"You were right," Roselle said. "I really was hoping that Armani was doing this all for me. I mean, it's not every day someone tries to become president for us, right? I just wanted to feel special to someone. I wanted to think someone cared about me."

Michelle's face, which was still looking out the window, grew pale. "Uh . . ."

"And I know I said I don't have feelings for him, but I feel so confused. I've had so many feelings within me this past week."

Michelle pointed out the window. "Roselle?"

"But it's been so long. Are these true emotions, or am I just reflecting a fantasy?"

Michelle waved her hand in the air. "Roselle."

"I guess I'll never know because I'll never see him again. I guess in the end, we were just two puzzle pieces that outgrew each other. I just wish that I--"




Sorry guys, usually I would leave this in the author notes, but I wanted to make sure you'd see this. Did you know that 'I'm in Love with the President of the United States' has an official trailer? If you have time, please search "maxyperson" on YouTube and check out the trailer! It should be my lastest video. I worked really hard on it. Thanks! :D
