
Chapter 19: The Gods of Empyrean!

While Lucian slept and the world of Astaria was cast into darkness by the night sky, there sat seven beings.

Seven divine beings rule over all of Astaria and her people, commanding respect and power as they sat in their Empyrean high in the heavens.

"Khazotz... You have returned from your exploration. What did you find?" A mighty voice bellowed from a shining figure that sat on a golden throne.

Khazotz lowered himself onto one knee and bowed.

"Father..." He said, greeting the king of the gods.

Khazotz stood to his feet as he addressed the other six gods.

His father and king of the gods, Ises, who sat atop a golden throne above all the others. His mother and queen of the gods, Zunera, who sat beside her husband.

The other gods were also seated on their thrones and watched him.

Oxione, goddess of life and the Elves.

Gilbium, god of crafting and the Dwarfs.

Xanas, the god of death and Lizardmen.

And finally, his sister, Unan. Goddess of beastmen and demi-humans.

"I found the demon king lord Satan, and I killed him. Not much else to tell, really." Khazotz said.

"You're telling me you defeated Satan, destroyer of worlds and king of the demon lords all by yourself?" Unan, the goddess of beastmen and demi-humans, scoffed, standing from her seat.

The other gods also seemed sceptical as they listened to his words.

Khazotz wasn't impressed by his sister's taunts but did his best to bite his tongue.

"Please, dear sister, do feel free to investigate the matter yourself."

Unan was about to say something. However, she was interrupted by her father.

"That is enough," Ises said as his voice roared with authority.

"Khazotz... Not only did you disobey me. You left the heavens and went to the mortal world. You know the rules. We never interfere in the affairs of the mortals." He said, placing his hand onto his head, clearly tired of his son's foolish behaviour.

"But father," Khazotz said.

"Your selfish actions put all of Empyrean at risk Khazotz." Zunera, Queen of the gods and Khazotz's mother, said.

"Not only that... But we know you attempted to summon a hero to aid in your battle." Oxione, the goddess of life, said.

Khazotz bit his lip as he took a more defensive stance, trying to defend his actions.

"I-I had no choice!" Khazotz shouted in protest.

"Your actions cost the lives of five humans from another world Khazotz. You know we cannot summon being from other worlds without the permission of that realm's God." Zunera, his mother, spoke.

"I had no choice! Satan was going to get away... I took action and tried to kill the demon!" Khazotz shouted, defending his efforts.

"You specifically disobeyed our laws and travelled to the mortal world alone. Unan shouted, taunting him further.

Khazotz was about to say something else but was silenced by his father as he slammed his fist into his throne, cracking the solid gold armrest from the might of his strike.

"Enough!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention as they went quiet.

"The God of the mortals you summoned is demanding I pay a tribute of five souls for the five you stole. What say you to that?" Ises said, waiting to see his son's reaction.

"Five souls for five souls seems fair to me. I'll give this God five souls any day to have killed the king of the demon lords!" Khazotz shouted arrogantly.

"You fool!" Ises shouted.

"You really have no idea what your actions have unleashed, do you?" He shouted as he stood to his feet.

Ises crossed his arms behind his back and walked over to Khazotz with a disapproving look on his stern face.

"While you were galavanting about in the mortal world, you have set a chain of events in motion that we can no longer control." The king of the gods said.

"What do you mean, father?" Khazotz asked, not understanding why he was so mad.

"Brother, you really are a fool..." Unan said as she crossed her legs.

Ises waved his hand over the large water fountain that was in the middle of the throne room.

"What do you see?" He said as he gave Khazotz a moment to look at the picture.

Khazotz looked closely as the image became clear as day. It was Lucian, who was currently asleep in the broken fang tavern in Dragonfront town.

"A human? So what?" Khazotz said, not understanding.

Ises suddenly gripped his son by his golden hair and forced his head down so that he could look closer.

"Look closer, you fool!" Ises shouted as his rage was starting to show.

Khazotz looked through his discomfort and peered deep into Lucian's soul, seeing the impossible.

"No... That can't be. I killed them both... I left them to be crushed inside that tomb!"

Ises let go of his son's head and walked back towards his throne.

"Let me kill him, father. Allow me a chance to make this right!" Khazotz said, pleading with his father.

"How many times, Khazotz, we cannot interfere with the mortals! That means no killing them, no aiding them and no taking sides." Ises said, growing tired of this conversation now.

"Forgive me, but if what we see is true, wouldn't it be best to kill this mortal now?" Gibium, God of the dwarfs, said.

"I agree, if his soul truly has merged with the demon lord Satan, we should stop him now." Xanas, the God of death, said.

"If left unchecked, we could have a repeat of last time... This is exactly what started the last great war," Gibium said, getting everyone worked up.


The sudden sound of thunder crashing silenced everyone, and Ises stood to his feet.

"That is enough!" He shouted.

"I created these laws in order to prevent another great war from ever happening again! We will not interfere with the mortals..." He said, daring anyone to challenge him.

Ises sat back down as the memories of the last great war flashed through his mind.

"The last great war was over 50,000 year's ago and was a consequence of our own actions. We will not let it happen again." He said.

The others all agreed with him, apart from Khazotz and his sister, Unan, who had not been born yet.

"Can't we just send him back to his own world?" Gibium suggested as he waved his arms.

"No, you fool, his soul has been merged with Satan's... We hold no power over him now." Oxione said.

"I can feel his hate... His desire for revenge is strong." Xanas, God of death, said before looking to Khazotz.

"He will stop at nothing until he has had his revenge against you, Khazotz." Xanas then said.

Khazotz smiled.

"Let him come, I killed him once, and I'll do it again!" He shouted.

"You certainly live up to your reputation as the God of war, brother," Unan said as she stood to her feet.

She looked very similar to her brother, with stunning features, long golden hair that ran down her back and two fox ears on her head with a black cat tail that stuck out of her white skirt.

"But you are a fool." She then said.

"This mortal now holds the power of the king of the demon lords. What's to stop him from mastering his abilities and bringing chaos to the mortal world?" She said as she turned to the other gods.

"Khazotz has acted selfishly one too many times and should be punished for his actions!" She then said.

Khazotz wasn't happy and could no longer contain his anger for his sister.

"How dare you!" He shouted as he rushed to strike her.

Ises appeared before them in the blink of an eye as he caught his son's fist in his hand, tossing him to the side.

Khazotz crashed into a large pillar of solid marble, his body imprinted into the rock hard, and he had to pull himself free. Dropping to his feet, dusting himself off as he looks at his sister with rage.

"That is enough," Ises said as he pulled his white cloak over his shoulder.

"I am afraid I agree with your sister... Khazotz, you will face retribution for your actions." The king of the gods said.

"But father, I..." He started.

"You are the god of humankind, yet you do nothing but neglect your duties, acting like a spoilt child." He said, disappointed.

"Dear, think about this you can't." His wife, Zunera, said.

"There is only one thing I can think of that might make you grow up." Ises then said as he turned back to Khazotz.

"I Ises, King of the gods and ruler of Astaria herby, cast you out. Stripping you of your godly powers and immortality."

The other gods seemed shocked at Ises's decision, but none of them felt it was their place to speak out about it.

"You can't do this to me!" Khazotz shouted as he looked at the others and then at his mother.

Zunera looked her son in the eyes before she looked down to the ground, knowing there was nothing she could do now.

"No... I won't let you!" Khazotz said as he drew his sword and let his power flow freely.

His powerful magical aura created a huge shock wave throughout the entire throne room of the gods and even chipped away at the solid marble pillars.

The other gods were outraged but also surprised by Khazotz's power. He was the son of the strongest god, after all, but they had never known his power to be so great.

"I will not let you do this, to me, father!" He shouted as he charged towards Ises with intent to kill.

Ises simply sighed at his son's actions before he extended his arm.

"You fool!" He shouted as he let his own magical power explode to life, sending his son flying with a powerful shockwave, slamming him into the far wall.

Ises's power was so strong that the other gods in the room couldn't even compare it to their own and simply watched.

Khazotz had never been hit so hard in his life and coughed up a good amount of blood.

Ises appeared in front of him, floating in the air as he stared into his eyes for a moment before gripping him by the throat and slamming him into the floor.

Ises dropped to the ground and placed his barefoot on his sons head as he crushed it into the stone beneath them.

"You are a million years too young to challenge me, boy!" He shouted as he waited for Khazotz to say something.

"Hmmm, Perhaps I have been too soft with you all these years... Maybe ten years in the mortal world will help you grow." He said with a heavy heart.

With that, Ises raised his hand and spoke into it as he embedded it with magical power.

"I Ises, King of the gods, ruler of the universe and creator of all things in this realm hereby strip you, Khazotz, of your powers. I take away your godhood and your Immorality, casting you out of Empyrean into the mortal world!" He shouted.

Khazotz tried to wriggle under his father's foot, but he was powerless to do anything.

"No!!!" He screamed as Ises struck his palm into Khazotz chest, hitting him with such powerful divine magic that he started to float into the air.

Khazotz's body started to shake, and he moaned in pain as his features changed. His godly golden hair turned a simple blond. His glowing skin lost its glow, and even his muscles decreased in size.

"Fair well, son." Ises then said as he clicked his fingers, teleporting him out of Empyrean and into the mortal world where he would start his sentence.

The other gods remained silent as they had not seen this happen in a long time.

"What have you done!" Zunera shouted suddenly as she ran over to where Khazotz had been laid.

"He could really die! Is that what you want, to lose another son!" She shouted as tears flowed from her eyes.

Ises didn't say anything and slowly walked back over to his throne.

"I only hope he is stronger than his brothers."
