
Chapter 29- Reece – Telling The Others (VOLUME 4)




When I woke up, I thought that I felt my Little Bunny's presence, not just her body but her. When I had fallen asleep, holding her against my chest, it literally felt like I had just been holding her shell, it didn't feel like she was there with me at all. However, when I woke up, I thought she might finally be awake. I thought for sure that she was there with me, but I was wrong.

When I opened my eyes and finally looked at her, it was clear to see that she was still asleep. She wasn't back with me at all, and that broke me.

"Where are you, Little Bunny?" I don't know why I asked that question. I was looking right at her. She was just asleep. That was all. She was making up for all that time that she wasn't sleeping and was exhausting herself. She would wake up soon.
