



The old lady stood in front of the girls.

She was looking happy.

"What are you doing here?

How did you get here anyway? ",Blessing asked.

The old lady then asked, looking at all of them, "How do you girls see your new powers?

Great right? ".

"What? ",they all looked astonished.

They looked at themselves, then back at her.

She chuckled and said, walking close to one of the statue, "You girls really messed up the castle today. But it's okay, you'll get used to your powers in no time".

"Wait how did you know that we have powers?", Christiana asked.

The old lady smirked at them. Giving Blessing a hint of what was going on.

"Oh.. my...creativity!

You knew about this in the first place", Blessing gasped.

The others looked at the old lady, who chuckled and folded her arms.

Adeola gasped,"O M G!!. That's why you gave us those crystals for free.

Oh!!, what was your plan? "

They all frowned at her.

The old lady then said, "It was never my plan girls.

The crystals work on its own ".

"Meaning what? ", Treasure asked.

The old lady then said, walking towards them, "Where are my manners. I haven't introduced myself properly well"

"We don't need your intro granny. Tell us what you...".

All of a sudden, the old lady's eyes turned black.

"What the heck?! ", Christiana shouted, as they all moved back in fear.

The old lady began to grow tall.

Her face stretched out wide, along with her ears.

Her hair became long, and her neck became long.

Her hands stretched out, almost touching Blessing's face.

Seeing the long hand, coming towards her, Blessing screamed and began to run, shouting, "Don't let it touch me,don't let it touch me. No!!! ".

Blessing ran towards the entrance of the hideout.

Only for her to feel something around her waist.

She looked and found a bougainvillea. With speed, the bougainvillea pulled her back to where the others where.

"Let me go!! ",Blessing struggled.

The bougainvillea turned her to the direction of the old lady. Revealing the true identity of the old lady.

Blessing looked her and became astonished.

Even the others were stunned at what they were seeing.

The old lady was actually an Elf.

"You're an Elf? ",They asked, still looking surprised.

The Elf slowly dropped Blessing down.

"I'm sorry for the way I caught you child.

They call me Faith.

I'm the Guardian of this hideout".

The Elf said, loosing the bougainvillea from Blessing's body.

They watched how she made the bougainvillea disappear. And the girls became mesmerized.

"Wow!!, how did you do that? ",Blessing asked, looking excited.

The Elf smiled and said, "I was born with the ability my dear".

"Awesome!! ",Blessing exclaimed.

"This is strange. An Elf in.. In Nigeria?

Isn't this weird? ",Adeola asked ,still looking at her.

"I understand what you girls are thinking. What is an Elf doing in Nigeria. Why I'm I here.

I know what you want to say. But you girls will only understand, if you promise to be calm and cool with me",she said.

The eight of them looked at themselves, then they looked at her and agreed.

Meanwhile, the situation in the castle was settled.

Madam Elizabeth made sure that everything was back in order.

She was able to calm some worried parents that had called on hearing the news of the outbreak.

She told all of them that she had solved the problem and everyone was save.

After calming the parents down, she went ahead to inform the students about the orientation.

"Due to the chaos that broke out today, I've decided to postpone the orientation.

Instead of it to be held tomorrow, it would be held the day after tomorrow. So I'll advice both the old and new students, to return back to the hostel after eating your meals, and rest",she had said.

All the students had dismissed the hall, where the meeting was held.

Some headed for the cafeteria, while the rest went back to their hostel.

Aunty Onome couldn't return back at all. She was looking for Blessing.

"Where could she be?

I hope she's okay ".She was really worried. She had asked some students, if they had seen Blessing or any of her friends.

But no one knew where they where.

At the Alphas hideout, the girls sat down on the floor, with the Elf, known as Faith, in front of them.

"Let me tell you girls a story",Faith began.

"Great. I love stories",Treasure said calmly.

"A long time ago, There was a great and powerful Elf Queen,who ruled the whole magical creatures. She possessed the eight element of nature, which is Fire, Water, Air, Energy, Lightening, Earth, Ice and Light.

All this she had.

Whenever the magical creatures were troubled, she always solved their problem.

But a bigger problem came to the magical world.


She was a dark demon from the darkest part of the magical world.

"Why did they call her ALMORON? ",Ife asked.

"Because she's a moron, what did you expect ",Christiana said.

The girls were silent for a moment.

Then they began to laugh. "Nice one",Abigail said.

Giving her a fist bump.

The Elf smiled and proceeded.

"Almoron possessed the ninth element of nature.

And that was darkness.

She had gone to so many magical kingdom.

Sucked up their powers, and became even more stronger. She was now after the eight element, which belonged to the Elf Queen.

A night came when ALMORON attacked the Elf kingdom. She destroyed the kingdom and even battled with the Elf Queen".

The girls were focused on her, as their eyes widened by the tale she was telling.

"I was the Queen's maid, and I remember how the Queen battled with Almoron.

But something strange suddenly happened. ALMORON had blasted the crystals with her dark magic, so as to collect it from the Elf Queen, but instead, the crystals assembled together and went into different directions.

The crystals ended up in some magical creatures body. Which sent the creatures into a different world immediately.

Furious by the Elf Queen's action, Almoron zapped her.

The Queen was able to survive, because I quickly rescued her before Almoron destroyed her.

With the little strength in her, the Elf Queen used her power to teleport the both of us to the human world.

That's how we ended up in this hideout here, at the Golden castle ".

"WAW!! ",Adeola, Blessing, Ife, Ganiyat and Abigail exclaimed in amazement.

Gracious then asked, "So.. What happened next? ".

"Where is the Elf Queen? ",Christiana and Treasure asked.

With a sad face, Faith said, "The Queen passed away, because of the blast she received from Almoron ".

"Oh my creativity",Blessing said, in a sad tone of voice.

They were all sad.

The Elf then said, "Before she died, she gave me eight crystals"

"The same crystals that you gave us, right? ",Gracious asked.

"Yes, the same crystals.

She told me that the eight crystals represented the eight lost elements. She told me to hold it well, till it finds its true place.. and the lost crystals".

"Lost crystals?

So those small crystals are a piece of the lost crystals? ",Blessing asked.

The Elf nodded.

They were stunned.

"When you said its true place, what do you mean by that? ",Gracious asked.

"It's successors.

The true owners.

And that's how the Alphas got their powers.They were.... "

"The successors of the crystal",Gracious completed.

"Exactly!!! "

This amazed the girls.

It was as if they were listening to an interesting fairytale story, but the difference was that it was real.

"The Alphas were students like you girls. But there were five boys and three girls. And they schooled in the Golden castle.

The Alphas began to face problems, when Almoron came".

Stunned, the girls were amazed.

"How come? ",they asked.

"Almoron had followed us into the human world. But she couldn't find us.

When she found out about the Alphas, she began her attack on the castle.

The Alphas powers wasn't strong enough to defeat her.But they didn't accept defeat.

Later, the Alphas found out about the lost crystals, and they made it their mission to find the crystals.

But as time went by, the Alphas found it hard to get the crystals from the mystical creatures that appeared, whenever their powers were active.

Because their powers were weak,Almoron found it easy to destroy them.

She thought she could find the mystical creatures through the Alphas, but she couldn't. She realized that the Alphas powers where missing. So she killed them, since they were useless to her"

This struck the girls.

"I had taken the crystals from the Alphas, because they gave it to me,.. To find the next successors, that would put an end to Almoron.

And the crystals chooses you girls".

The girls were speechless.

They looked at themselves, then back at Faith.

The girls became dull as they faced her.

"But how are we the successors?

We don't know how to fight or even control this powers given to us",Christiana said.

"She's right Faith. We can't be the successors ",Blessing said.

"When you girls rescued me that day At the cafeteria, I knew in my heart, that you were the next successors.

And the crystals picked the eight of you.

And yes...Did you girls noticed that you haven't been behaving strangely since you all calmed down? ".

She was right.

Their powers weren't reacting.

They looked at Faith,who smiled and said, "You girls are the successors, and you can control your powers with my help.

I'll help you girls".
