
World 9.30

Yuxian sat quietly on the rock, he was watching Ling Ling and Rui Jun from afar. It was already afternoon, and the sun was about to go down. The two were flying a kite and since it was a bit tiresome for him, he stayed under the tree.

As the shadow of the two figures reflected in his eyes behind the dandelion sky, a bitter smile stretched his lips. He bit his lower lip and turned silent for a minute. Having these two beside him forever must be very happy. A loving and understanding husband and an adorable little girl, Yuxian wanted this kind of life. The warmth they were giving him every time, it's making him so red that he couldn't even know what to respond.

Yuxian lowered his head and looked at his round stomach. He put his palm on it and felt the baby. He could feel Xian Xian kicking for him. "You're quite strong, huh" he mumbled. 
