
World 2.5

"I told you I'm fine" 

Yang took a sip from the warm soup Emma prepared for him, the IV fluid was still connected to his arm so he still can't roam around the house. Luke was sitting beside his bed arranging his medicines "Damn! Why are there so many medicines? I don't want to take it all!" Yang exclaimed brushing his face in dismay

"You need these to get well soon" Luke insisted as he took one pill from the box. Yang look away "Nuh-uh, I will not take that one," he said shaking his head

Luke took the medicine instead and kissed Yang until he finally swallowed it. 

Cough! Cough!

"W-Why did you do that?!" Yang exclaimed covering his mouth, he wanted to spit the acrid taste pill. "Don't be too stubborn and listen to what the doctor says," Luke said.


"Mama!!!" Darryl came running to them, Yang picked him slowly as he struggled to climb on the bed "Mama, Ryl will give hug" he said in a cheerful tone and then he hugged the omega. "Such a sweet baby," Yang said poking his nose."Ryl likes to play with mama" Daryl pulled Yang's palm. Luke took him "Darryl, your mama needs some rest, be a good boy," he said. The kid crossed his arms "I'm a good boy, Papa bad! Hmp!" then he sulks with his cheeks bulging side to side 

Yang stared at them for a moment, he was staring at two perfect creatures in front of him arguing with each other. He was glad that Luke is behaving a little less violent now besides it's not the alpha's pheromones that caused him to faint, it was really his weak body. He was smiling while looking at these two cute creatures when his eyes went to Darryl's blonde hair. Luke's hair was black while his hair was ash as gray.

"Where did Darryl get his blonde hair?" the words slipped out from his mouth loudly and unconsciously

The two looked at him. Yang flinched after realizing what he said "Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry! My mind suddenly blurted out random words!" he exclaimed waving his hands in the air

{Crap! I didn't mean to say that out loud}

AUTHOR: At least I'm not the only one struggling to read your thoughts right now

{Then don't read my mind}

Luke called Olivia to lead Darryl outside. He ordered the lady to lock the room before they left. Luke quietly heads to the bedside, Yang traces him with his eyes "Take a few more rest" he then adjusted his omega's blanket "Wait!" Yang gripped his hands "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I mean I just noticed his hair color" he said. Luke turned his gaze away and clenched his fist, Yang noticed it so he let go "Don't mention it, ever again" Luke said before walking out of the room.

{Whatever! Why is he so angry about that? Anyway, I'm just going to sleep and take my goddamn rest}

Yang woke up, it was already night time."I feel hungry" he slowly lifted his body and stood up, put on his fluffy cotton slippers."What time is it?" He slowly pulled the IV fluid stand connected to his body and dragged it along the door. The door creaked open, the hallway upstairs was quiet.

He walked slowly not even making a sound "Is everybody asleep already?" he thought. He stopped when he passed through a slightly open door, it was Luke's office. He peeked "Did he forget to close this?" his eyes wandered and saw this familiar figure leaning on the table, he walked inside.

"Oh! He was sleeping?" Yang mumbled, he saw some opened folders scattered on the table beside Luke. "This guy really can sleep with his eyeglasses on" he bent down closer to the man's face and slowly removed his eyeglasses, he folded it and put it beside the laptop. Yang gathered all the folders and arranged it properly. He noticed the empty bottle next to Luke "He's drunk again" he blabbed out and brushed his face. He saw some crumble paper on the floor so he bent down to pick it up but the IV fluid hose got stuck in the corner of the table causing Yang to stumble and fell on the floor. The needle on his hand suddenly got stingy when the hose pulled away.

"Ah!" he screamed in displeasure, but covered his mouth the moment he realized that Luke was sleeping, he crawled quietly on the floor to fix the IV fluid on his hands and to build it up. He almost hit his head under the table. He stands up and shakes off the dust on his knee-length shorts.

His eyes widened after he noticed the empty swivel chair "Ehh? Where is he?" he said in panic. He turned his head sideways until someone squeezed him from behind, the hug was so tight but gentle. Yang flinched "L-Luke?!" he exclaimed. The alpha rests his head on Yang's shoulder "K-Kyle...please don't go.." he mutters. Yang caresses the big hands on his waist "I'm not going anywhere, you need to rest properly" Luke just sniff his omega's neck "I-Im sorry, I'm an alpha but I can't give you want you wanted". 

Yang lifts his hand and reaches Luke's head to pat "You're drunk, you better sleep" He can even smell the alcohol "K-Kyle, don't you love me anymore?" his voice cracked. Yang looked at him "H-Hey? Are you okay?" he asked nervously 

Luke loosen his embrace and slid down on the floor "I should've let you go that day...I-I s-shouldn't...K-Kyle--" Yang crouched down and cupped his cheeks "Hey stop that, I'm here Luke, I won't leave you.okay?" 


Luke grabbed his hands "I-I'm always looking at these precious fingers of yours my love" he sniffed "If you don't love me you didn't have to throw the ring" the man pressed Yang's hands and kissed it then he sniffed again "I-I have loved you since--"

Yang cut his words and hugged him as he buried Luke's face on his chest "Luke, stop crying, I won't leave you" 


The next morning, the doctor came early to remove Yang's body fluid supply. He advised the omega to stay home for days to recover. 

"Finally! I can wander around freely!!" he blurted out in a lively voice as he opened the door very wide, the wind blew hard with some dust in it going to his face. He coughed continuously. He close the door "Okay maybe I should stay inside" 

He pressed the pen and then the hologram showed up.

{Okay, Hmm.. Where did I throw the ring?}

The system show some possible places, Yang rubbed his head "This is troublesome" he snorted



{Thank you system but I don't need that information right now, What I want to know is the place where I throw our wedding ring}

AUTHOR: You shouldn't throw it in the first place

{Dang! It's not me! It's the real Kyle}

Yang sighed, he headed back to the living room where Darryl were watching cartoons on the big television screen. 

"Mama...You okay?" the child asked

Yang sat beside him "Mhmm...I'm okay, we can play later"

The two enjoy their leisure time together. But Yang still can't get off about Darryl's blonde hair. Luke went to work, Yang knew that Luke would not remember what happened last night because he was drunk. Besides, he fell asleep the moment he stop talking.

The doorbell suddenly rang,Emma came running from the kitchen, Yang stopped the lady and said "Emma, let me open the door" so the lady went back to her place after bowing her head.

Darryl pulled the hem of his shirt "Mama, is that papa?" Yang smiled and carried him into his embrace "Why don't we look together?" then they chuckled

The two head to the door,Yang grabbed the doorknob and twitched it. A bouquet of flowers met his face and then a man behind it grinning cheerfully said "Hi Kyle! How are you?" 

"Uncle Sac! "Darryl clapped his hands as soon as he saw the man "Hello there little gentleman!" Isaac gave Darryl a high-five. Yang froze from where he was standing. 

"Kyle? Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Isaac asked him

Yang cleared his throat "N-Nothing, please come in" he welcomed the guest and asked the maid to make some snacks and a juice. He sat on the solo-style sofa while Darryl and Isaac shared the long one. 

"Darryl look! I bought you a new toy!" and then Isaac revealed the new truck toy to the kid like a magician. Darryl was so happy accepting the gift as he thanked the man. The kid walked towards Yang cheerfully "Look Mama! Uncle Sac gave Ryl a gift!"

Yang slightly pinched his cheeks "You should be grateful little cutie pie"

Isaac called Darryl to play with him. Yang felt a little bit comfortable. This man seems a good one, maybe Luke just didn't see this side of him. After staring at the two for so long, Yang sprang with all his nerves, he realized one thing.

{Oh God! For Pete's sake, They have the same hair!!}

New chap is up!!! Yey! The mysteries are slowly revealing itself.. What really happened to Kyle and Luke? Stay for future updates!! Mind giving this book a review? It will really cheer me up!! THANK YOU *wink*

yohan26_creators' thoughts