

On the same rain that Erik was experiencing, there was two live birds drinking their hot drink as they watch some Netflix on their flat screen TV. Sharing the same blanket on the cold weather.

Breaking the silence, Nixel finally got all of his courage to say, "Baby," And Erold hummed feeling sleepy all of a sudden. "Christmas is just around the corner and I was thinking if we could have some vacation? Just the two of us?"

Erold shuffled on his seat, looking at Nixel before beaming a smile at him. Nodding at the thought of having a vacation just with Nixel. He chuckled at the brunette before hearing Erold's phone ring.

Nixel's eyes had narrowed ready to kill whoever that was calling Erold at their most precious time. Seeing the screen flash on and off each time, Erold picked it up and answer.

"Hello?" He said.

