
Chapter 59: Gem werewolves squad

Small's squad of gem werewolves surrounded the ugly creatures, their muzzles contorting into ferocious snarls. The trolls imitated their expressions, waving their large clubs around, infuriated. "Stupid mutts!" The trolls hollered at the gem werewolves, the cave trembling from this troll's shout.

A gem werewolf covered in brown fur jumped high into the air, landing on the ugly creature's back. A ripping noise sounded out as the werewolf tore into the troll's back, drawing a pained grunt from the beast. Shocked at the sudden pain coming from its backside, the troll swung its club around wildly. The flailing club missed its intended target, instead of smacking into an unprepared gem werewolf.

The unlucky wolf was flung backwards, coughing out blood from the hefty impact. The wolf lay on its side letting its new regeneration abilities work their magic. The brown gem werewolf felt inraged he lifted his head, ears twitching. His eyes landed on the injured gray wolf, he grew up with that gem werewolf. Wrath filling his heart, he acted without mercy tearing up the troll back even further, hitting bone.

Hunger evidence in the brown gem werewolf crazed eyes. The Gray gem werewolf open their bloodshot eyes seething in anger his body fully healed only slight discomfort remained. A coal colour gem werewolf who had a pale blue gem sticking out of the middle of his chest, four snow flecks patterns surround the dark gem werewolf crystal.

This gem werewolf open up his muzzle and blast a beam of ice land on it intending target, the purple troll gazed immediately darted straight towards this coal colour gem werewolf with extreme rage, it smacked the brown gem werewolf to the floor and slowly walked towards the coal colour gem werewolf, the troll had forgotten about everything around him and only felt frostbite into his flesh and bones ticking away his life force.

The gray colour gem werewolf eyes locked onto the troll's open wound, he looked over at his buddy who laid on the floor face-planted. The grey fur gem werewolf charge at full speed to the opening that the troll display. The gray fur gem werewolf pungled his claw inside and grip something round and warm, his eyes show mischief, he plucks out the round sphere that glowed in a greenish colour.

The purple troll vomited up a mouthful of blood and drop his giant club to the ground, he landed with a thud, his body spam and the life left his eyes. The brown fur gem werewolf approaches the grey fur gem werewolf "Tao good job at finishing this ugly bastard up" The brown fur gem werewolf congratulated his best friend.

The grey fur gem werewolf grinned in response "I couldn't have done it without that frozen guy distraction, Chaos" Tao spoke humbly, the mentioned coal colour gem werewolf strutted towards the two best friends with a cold gleam in his pale blue eyes.

"What are you two waiting for? let's go help our brothers and sisters" the frost power gem said as he passed behind them to go help the other group that had seven members, one of those members went flying their way landing face-first and their fluffy tail sticking up in the air, groaning in pain, black blood pooled out of his mouth and nose.

A blue-haired young woman with flesh hanging off of her face revealing red flesh underneath her ashen skin tone. Her eyes have no trace of pupils or even iris, just a white space with a few thin black veins. She wore leather armour that her lover made for her out of D rank grade beast hide that the water fae successfully hunted. Over her armour, she wore a fur cloak and fur boats to help keep her warm during the harsh weather of the winter season.

Her light blue hair swayed softly in the chilling breeze that passed by, her lips quirked upwards into a smile of amusement she hold back her chuckle as she watched gem werewolves fly through the air 'never would I thought I would Live to see a werewolf flying' her body lightly trembles trying to hold back a chuckle.

To others who saw this young woman's body that trembled, though she was furious by the gem werewolves' performance. They brought their eyes back to the multiple screens showing all the different angles from every mana camera.

The young woman let out a sigh 'At least old Tang looks like he is having a blast' she thought, observing the raven fur colour werewolf on the right side of the screen, Old Tang bashed his claws into the blue troll ugly mug. The other four with him looked at him in bewilderment.

Dyllis walked away from the screening and climb up a tree with great ease, sitting on the top branch she took out an arm and began devouring the flesh, once satisfied with her meal Dyllis slid down the tree trunk like a pole doing any tree branches in her way.

Two hours later the cave became quiet, the screen showed all of the gem werewolves laid on the ground from fugitives 'They finished one hundred and fifty Trolls in two hours, not bad she thought about today's achievements. Dyllis felt extremely satisfied with the results, while she is still in a fantastic mood she face her other soldiers "Three hundred and one of you go and retrieve your fallen comrades. Then I need some of you to go inside the cave and start collecting the bodies of the trolls" Her voice boomed a crossed the sea of soldiers "Yes Ma'am" they reply, like she instructed people went inside to take their exhausted comrades back to the abandoned town.

Dyllis left feeling fantastic, she headed back to the town with a hop in her step showing her good mood as her hair swayed back and forth. The snow-covered buildings had smoke coming out of their chimneys providing heat to all who lived inside. The houses are small so not many soldiers could fit inside the buildings, every house had at least five people bunking together.

The dwelling that Dyllis took up was larger so naturally, she housed thirty of her soldiers inside the large house. The rest of the soldiers who couldn't get a house stayed in tents or nearby caves that they have long since empty. They were all given some form of flesh to eat if they were hungry, as the saying goes a well-fed army is a happy army.

The next morning around ten is the young wendigo shaman gathered everyone up in the middle of town "Everyone I have great news we will be heading back to home-based today" sounding chipper than usual her soldiers felt chills going down their spines. Inhaling she continued "The next good news is that I will be picking out who will be the group squad leader, Your new squad leader's name is Shawn Nettle" the whole crowd started to murmur at the mention of the same, wondering who this Shawn Nettle was.

"Shawn Nettle please come up so your comrades know who their new gem werewolves squadron leader is" She beckons for him to come over. The mentioned gem werewolf waltz to the front with his head held up high. Snowflakes patterns around the gem on his chest draw everyone's attention, the ones who fought with him immediately recognized him.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts