
Chapter 279: Shiro’s assignments

When Eric finally left Fujiwara Amane, and the two maids were in deep sleep beside each other, as the time it showed to be around 3 o'clock in the morning.

He had truly spent a lot of time in there, but it wasn't like he regretted it anyway. As a matter of fact, he felt truly relieved and fresh at that moment.

He didn't know why he suddenly had a feeling to whistle lightly, as he started walking towards his next destination, Shiro.

Even though he had already turned Fujiwara Amane into his pet, he didn't have full confidence in her, or it would be more exact to say about her surroundings.

The Yakuza that was handed over to him while in a critical moment it was a simple organization by any means.

An organization that had a value of more than 3 billion dollars was anything but a simple organization.

The amount of hard work and sweat to build it, and bring it up to such heights should be unimaginable by normal people.
