
Viiiirus alert!

Ignoring the arrival of his army, Afton begins walking towards the Eastern side of the Dam to join the battle. His large form is easily noticed by the nearby NCR who try to stop him or even question why he's there... He acts like they don't exist though, brushing past them and planning out his attack.

The Legion had taken control of one of the Dam's towers from what he could see, and were slowly working their way to the next one... The only thing stopping them was the thin Dam pathway that'd only allow a group or two across at a time.

He grins upon spotting this, a vicious grin appearing behind his helmet as he begins manipulating his plant arm. The surrounding NCR soldiers are dumbfounded when they see it, a couple calling him 'Freak' and 'Mutant', but none daring to do anything to stop him.

Afton musters his energy and forms what could only be a huge snow plough, resembling one that'd be attached to a big truck. The steel-like wood expands and covers the entire pathway after a moment, gaining large deadly-looking spikes on it, along with vine tentacles that'd grab anyone attempting to get around it.

Once it's formed, he pushes against it with all his strength and begins travelling down the Dam with his new deadly 'Legion-Plough'. The Legion quickly notice this and start shooting at it, only for the bullets to bounce off of the incredibly hard material it's formed from. No one expected this wood plough to be so durable!

It isn't long before Afton reaches the Legion... A few Legionaries try to attack the Plough with their machete's and rippers, but are grabbed by the vine tentacles sprouting from it and forced onto the plough's spikes, or thrown from the bridge straight away.

It was a very effective strategy, one which the Legion couldn't really deal with... They lacked the high powered rifles of the NCR, and weren't willing to use heavy explosives on the Dam... As displayed earlier, grenades were simply shrugged off by the Plough.

A few tried to snipe Afton from the tower, but his armour easily deflected the bullets. Not to mention his wrist shield that could be produced whenever he needed it. The NCR troopers were already cheering behind him as if celebrating victory, which was surprising to Afton considering who he was... Perhaps they had been closer to routing than he'd thought?

Elsewhere :

Drake, Madeleine, and Hunter lead the Securitrons into the Dam, running through the place while discreetly trying to locate the central security systems.

Unfortunately, they were dragged into the raging battle currently occurring between the NCR defenders and the Legion invaders. A large group of Legionaries had blown their way into the Dam's reactor room and were now streaming in... Hundreds, if not thousands of Legionaries were already inside, and the only thing holding them off was the chokepoint they were forced to navigate through.

The NCR had taken up position all around the newly made hole, and while it was advantageous, they were still slowly getting picked off. The Legionaries overwhelming numbers were simply too much to combat on their own.

This is why a brief cheer of relief was given when Drake and the Securitrons arrived and started laying down covering fire. They weren't able to launch any explosives due to them currently being in the Dam's reactor room, but that didn't mean their machine guns and laser weaponry couldn't be used.

While Drake and Madeleine dealt with this and tried to activate the reactors, Hunter was given a couple Securitrons tasked with installing Mr House's virus. Eventually, the teenager managed to locate the central security system, only to find it guarded by a small group of power armour wearing NCR troopers, all of which glared daggers at Hunter.

"Guys! The Legion have almost cleared the reactor room! We need reinforcements!" Hunter shouts, attempting to do this 'diplomatically'.

"We have our orders kid... You should take your robots to go help if it's really dire." the leading trooper states.

Hunter shakes his head, "I am the son of General Oliver! These are my bodyguards... I'm only down here to relay my father's orders!"


The troopers glance at one another before shrugging, "And what would General Oliver's orders be?" one asks.

Hunter gestures in the direction of the reactor room, "To go assist the front lines! Put that armour to good use!... If you're still worried, you can leave a couple people to guard this place." he says.


After a moment of thought, the leader slowly nods, "Fine! I ain't one to stand around while my friends are getting butchered anyway! Luis! Stay here and guard the door... Kid, tell your father... To go fuck himself!" he states before marching off with the others, only leaving a single man to guard the door.

Hunter nods, trying to act put out at the insult towards his 'father'. Once the group was far enough away, Hunter turns a menacing look towards the one remaining trooper 'Luis'...

"Err... You good kid? You look kinda constipated..."

Hunter nods, "Yeah, but I think I need to blow one out." he turns towards the nearest Securitron, "Shoot him."

The trooper is alarmed when all the Securitrons point their weapons towards him, all firing their machine guns and laser weaponry simultaneously and drowning the man in gunfire. His armour proved futile when shot from every perceivable angle. He isn't even able to give a shriek of terror before a bullet punches a large hole through his neck.

Hunter nods and heads to the door once this is done, jogging up to the large mainframe where many screens are located. He accesses it and installs the virus, immediately causing Mr House's face to appear.

"Congratulations on completing this task... I'll attempt to make your punishment at Parker's hand more reasonable. Also, you should consider taking the others and fleeing the Dam... The NCR will have no doubt realised our intentions with this. Good luck." the man quickly says before turning his attention to the factory below the Fort.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Michael Jarrett

Nazlican Erdem

Justin David



Niggrosscreators' thoughts