
Convey to Convoy... Boi!

"Hah... Hah..." Tamia huffs as she slowly stumbles out of the cave, into the hot desert sun that had somehow managed to breach through the sandstorm. Behind her limped a Cyberdog that had a large bite-mark on its leg, along with two other relatively unharmed ones.

As for her Ultimo-Bots? Only a single one survived. She didn't know how long she had been inside the Tunneler hive, but it had been more than a day at least. Tamia herself was on her last legs, having not slept for two days straight and fighting throughout most of that.

She wasn't injured thankfully, her armour had protected her from most attacks sent her way, but that didn't mean her stamina wasn't completely depleted. She could barely lift her arms as it was, let alone her Proton-Greatsword, so she was hoping there wouldn't be any more enemies wherever she'd ended up.

Fortunately, luck was on her side. Once she exited the cave she found herself on top of a raised highway that had survived the great war. A good portion of it was collapsed, but still, it stood standing... She wasn't at immediate risk of getting attacked, but that didn't mean she was safe either... In the distance, she could see a group of Flayed men running from a large figure... A swipe of its claws bisected a good portion of them...

"A Deathclaw... First an army, then an army of Tunnelers... What's next? An army of Deathclaws?" she mutters in a despairing and exhausted tone.

"*Bzztch!* So, you survived the Tunnelers. Surprising. I thought they'd tear you apart as soon as you set foot into their lair, perhaps you and I are more alike than I thought." the man says over the radio.

Tamia just shakes her head and leans against a concrete block, "Can this wait, for like, tomorrow? Or are you hoping your inane radio-chatter attracts something else to attack me?" she sarcastically remarks.

"Hehe, thought you'd pick up the old-world reference... Alright, I'll leave you to rest. I've left a cache of supplies under the car to your left with a painting on it. Use it, gather your strength, I await our meeting.*Bzztch!*"

Tamia glances over to her left and quickly spots the car the man was speaking about. She stumbles over and drops to her knees beside it, reaching under and grabbing for anything of interest, all the while hoping there wasn't a mine hidden there.

After a moment she feels something, grabbing it and giving it a tug before pulling it out... It's a rucksack filled with food, water, and medical supplies... No ammunition though? Must be placed in another stash somewhere.

She looks around for a place she can rest, and eventually spots an upturned bus. She hops onto and crawls inside, leaving her Ultimo-Bot to guard them as the Cyberdogs join her. After checking for radiation in the area, she takes her helmet off, eats some Rad X, and begins to feed herself and her pets.

After that's said and done, she puts her helmet back on and leans backwards to catch some sleep. She didn't know if she'd get another chance before meeting the creep on the radio. Judging by the fact he's able to travel through this place in one piece, he must be fairly strong... As strong as her at least.

Elsewhere :

Colonel William Carver watches from the passage seat as they finally arrive in the Mojave. His convoy stops as soon as they reach the Mojave outpost, unfortunately, they simply didn't have time to rest and resupply... They had to take care of the Brotherhood of Steel before immediately heading to Hoover Dam to shore up its defences.

He gets out of the truck and greets Ranger Jackson wholeheartedly, sharing a hearty handshake as they make small-talk about the goings-on since last they met. William continues on the subject for thirty minutes until he has to break the bad news to his old friend...

William coughs into his hand and present a small document, "Ranger Jackson, you will gather your best men and accompany the convoy to the Brotherhood of Steel base, as well as Hoover Dam after that... Sorry to say that this is General Oliver's orders." he states.


Jackson just dips his hat slightly and nods, "Can't say I didn't expect this... War was lookin' good for a moment until Camp Formlorn Hope vanished..." he leans in close to Willian while cautiously looking over his shoulder, "This gonna be one of 'those' missions... Some of my guys here still have families to return to, you know?"

William releases a sigh, "I don't know... I... I think there's a good chance of none of us surviving. It ain't the Brotherhood I'm worried about either, I've read Bulwark's M.O, they won't miss this chance..."

Jackson nods, "You thinin' they'll flank us when we engage the Brotherhood?"

William shrugs, "Probably? I don't know. I'd love to request reinforcements for this, but, Hoover Dam needs any many men as possible."

"Colonel! We need to move if we're going to make it in time for the attack!" a voice shouts from the convoy.

William nods, "Alright!... Jackson, gather your men and get suited up. And make sure your guys know just what kinda shit show we're stepping in."

"Aight..." Jackson says but stops as he begins to step away, "Hey, you think I could drive? Ain't driven anything in years!"


"Get your men here in half an hour and I'll let you... Any later and you'll miss your chance." William states before rejoining his convoy. With that, Jackson leaves and begins coordinating with his men to get supplies, weapons, and gear packed up and ready for travel. His men were surprised by the sudden mobilisation, but couldn't do anything but follow orders... Though, by the grave looks some of them had, they knew the war would be reaching the tipping point soon enough.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Michael Jarrett

Nazlican Erdem

Justin David


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