
Speak the Speech

Once basic introductions and thanks to the town of Primm for allowing this to happen, Crocker started his speech. Afton was only paying half attention to it as he was trying to think up his own one, though, Crocker did grab his attention...

"The NCR represents everything good in our now wartorn lands, what was once united under the United States has split into anarchical power disputes between factions of every colour. Barbarians like the Legion, Authoritarians like the Brotherhood of Steel, Unknowns like Bulwark." he gestures slightly to his left where Afton was stood.

"Democracy is the way forward, Democracy was the only thing stopping the Great War from happening, yet Democracy isn't strong enough to do it alone... It requires the strength of the people to push through adversity, the strength to rebuild what we have lost, and what was destroyed by foreign enemies far from our soil! That's what all this is for, that's what we work towards, what we strive to achieve...

Despite all the problems that come with Democracy, can anyone really dispute that it's the best way to fairly help govern people? To make sure that individual rights aren't squandered and squashed under whoever has the power to do so?-"

Crocker goes on to give the typical 'Old America was the greatest, and it was everyone else's fault it's now gone' spiel. Honestly, Afton was pretty sceptical, if America had just concentrated on renewable energy and defences against Nuclear attacks they might've survived the war. But, as always, it was too expensive to promote such research and change, instead deciding to war against other countries.

Still, Afton understood that surviving the Great War was pretty unlikely anyway... There's only so much you could do against the Apocalypse after all. The only real way he could think of stopping something similar from happening again, was to control and stop any Nuclear bomb production.

If no one had nuclear arms, the Great War wouldn't have happened. Sure, countries would still go to war, annex each other, and destroy the people. But at least the land would be spared, still viable for life, unlike the radioactive hellscape that now encompasses most of the world.

Crocker continues his speech, occasionally adding barbs against Afton and Bulwark, indirectly stating that he was a murderer without principle with his body language and sly words. Afton wasn't offended though, he expected this from a politician, even a well-meaning one. Besides, it wasn't as if he was wrong, Afton had probably killed more people than all of the families in New Vegas combined.

Soon enough, it was time for Afton to give a speech. Crocker had ended his own by indirectly inferring that if Bulwark didn't end up making an agreement that they were warmongers and no better than those that started the Great War... Yeah, good politicking Crocker.

Afton stands straight and looks at the crowd, observing their current attitude towards him and Crocker. Most seem to be siding with Crocker, though, it must be said that the residents of Primm are well on Afton's side. Their dislike of NCR taxes and the help Afton gave them back in the day made them a staunch ally of his.

Still, if he wanted to persuade the crowd to his own agenda, he'd need to sway the NCR sympathisers first... Despite this being an event for a Peace Agreement, throwing dirt at the other party to gain a position of power wasn't exactly prohibited, especially considering Crocker's speech.

Afton coughs into his hand to grab everyone's attention, once everyone is silent he begins, "A fine speech by Ambassador Crocker, I can tell he must've been working on it for weeks, if not months... Unfortunately, I didn't write one so I must speak from the heart as the saying goes." he says with a humble look.

"I agree that the United States of America had been one of the greatest countries to ever exist... But, that does not mean it was the best possible! You may all not know, but during my childhood in the Brotherhood of Steel, I had access to many records, my findings there and my experiences in the wasteland have shaped me into what I am today. Some may call me cruel, a murderer, sadistic, evil, but compared to what the United States of America was doing behind the scenes? I'd be a saint!

Let me just list a few of their crimes for you all; murder and torture of their political opponents, murder and torture of protestors attempting to utilise their constitutional rights! Biological warfare on their own people, destroying small towns and mutating the inhabitants into unrecognisable abominations. Working with Vault Tech to conduct inhuman experiments on the inhabitants they were supposed to protect! Most of you don't know this, but most Vault Dwellers were actually just test subjects with which scientists in the vaults conducted the vilest and reprehensible experiments possible!

America had a lot to boast about, but treating their people with respect and dignity is not one of them! Even if you disregard the war crimes against their own people, it still does not combat the issue of the flagrant corruption that ran the country. The democracy people like to preach about was nothing but a lie, votes were tampered with, manipulated, and officials were bribed! Nothing about that is democratic in my eyes! Though, with the way the NCR has recreated it, it must be essential to them!" he loudly states, inwardly grinning at Crocker's look of indignant anger and confusion.

Afton sends a heavy glare down at the crowd, utilising all his intimidation and speech perks to assist him. "Do not pretend that the NCR has shed itself of America's trademark corruption! Even now Brahmin barons bribe NCR officials to give them more rights, more land, and tax exemptions! While the people are left destitute, with no ability to fight against the tyranny of their own government! Land of the free!? More like Land of the freely exploited! At least in China you knew your government was evil and corrupt!" he exclaims, slamming his fist down on the podium to emphasize his point.

Yeah, as much as I hate to do political stuff like this, it's pretty much required... The NCR is essentially just America 2.0 so it comes with all the problems the old one had.

Also, I'm quite happy with you bois having a political discussion in the comments... Just try to keep it civil :P

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Chris Lindsey


Michael Jarrett

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