
His Think Tank

Klein's seems to be trying to glare a hole through Afton's head, but due to his 'colleagues' interference, his sawblades and scalpels halt to a stop... Temporarily at least. "VERY WELL... WHAT IS THIS. FAVOUR?" He asks, the rest of the Think Tank turning towards Afton.

Afton shrugs, "I actually think you'd all be happy with it... I want to use my favour to become the leader of the Think Tank-

"WHAT!? ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Klein shouts before Afton's able to explain himself.

"Shut your loud, fucking, mouth Klein! Let me finish before you start another temper tantrum!" Afton growls out, the scientist quickly going silent, even despite his reluctant murmurings. "As Dr. 8 said earlier, I am well versed in all kinds of scientific subjects, but that is not one of the reasons you should want me in charge... As you all already know, I am from outside the 'known world' you call Big Mt, I have knowledge of the regions and know much about the apocalyptic wasteland that you all would find difficult to gather.

America is not what it once was, most of it is covered in mutated monsters, 15ft Deathclaws that can cut through most metal with ease, swarms of Cazador's that'd devour a person before their corpse hit the ground, Supermutants created by the FEV virus that roam the wastes killing and eating anything they come across... The wasteland is not a friendly place, and I highly doubt that any of you would live more than a month out there.

But! That doesn't mean I cannot bring the wasteland to you! I have a goal, a goal that requires the aid of the smartest minds this world has to offer, where else would I look then here, among you all. Together, we could truly create something brilliant, instead of merely being a group of knockoff mad-scientists that only harm humanity with their creations." he says, emphasizing the fact that the robots would likely be torn apart outside of the crater... Afton actually believed that to be the case as well, even if the mutated creatures didn't get them, the wasteland governments certainly would.

"Bring the wasteland to us?" Dala asks curiously, "Would that include subjects for me to use my tools on?... Human subjects."

Afton manages to stop a scowl from appearing on his face, instead, sending a friendly smile, "I would be willing to send you any deserving criminal to you, in fact, I think whatever experiments you'll conduct on them are more fitting than just a simple death sentence."

"OOOoooo, please do, the fighters are always the best subjects." Dala says, and Afton's ears tingle unpleasantly at her voice.

"But what will we do here? The place is barely operational as it is, most materials we have were transported from the outside in, and since the trains and tunnels are gone that doesn't seem a likely place to start..." Dr. Zero asks.

"Why, just use robots... There are enough robots here in Big Mt to be used as a workforce. Just send them out of the crater to gather materials." Afton explains.

"But the power needed for something like that is far beyond what we are currently capable of... Though, maybe if we stopped using forcefields for everything we'd be a little better off..."

"THE FORCEFIELDS ARE THE MARVEL OF OUR COLLECTIVE SCIENTIFIC EFFORTS! WE MUST DISPLAY THEM WHEREVER WE CAN!" Klein says, clearly proud of their creation. Afton couldn't blame him either, they were incredibly advanced for their current level of tech.

Afton crosses his arms and hums to himself, "I think I may have a way to fix that issue... Are you all aware of the existence of ghouls, specifically the Glowing Ones." he asks.

Borous and Dala nod their monitors at him, "Strange creatures, what were once humans are now mindless, radioactive beasts. But what use could they be? Aside from interesting test subjects." Dala asks.

Afton grins, "Well, I recently found that Glowing ghouls could be used as energy sources... They are somehow able to produce a seemingly unending amount of radiation, so with enough gathered we'd be able to power whatever we want, whenever we want. I'm not even sure if they require food or not..."

"That... That might work. I have only observed such creatures from afar, none ever seem able or willing to enter the crater, unfortunately, but if what you're saying is true... This would solve the problem of our reactors slow degradation!" Borous says, somewhat excitedly at the idea.

Afton nods, "I want to fix up Big Mt, these destroyed and desolate laboratories hold no place among us any longer. We'll scrap those unable, and repair the ones that are. It will likely be a monumental effort, but I think this could be the beginning of a new age of scientific discovery and innovation... So, what do you say? Will you take me as your leader, or will you... Go against me." he growls out the last part to emphasize just how bad an idea that would be.

"I'm all in, centuries of basically doing nothing under Klein has proven we might need a new perspective. You're all good with me Lobotomite!" Zero happily agrees, though whether this is because of his dislike of Klein or faith in Afton is unknown.

"*I believe in Mr. Parker here... Besides, we can always decide later if this doesn't work out.*"

Afton nods, "I'll even throw in the data of my brain extraction... Once everything is sorted, I think putting you guys back into human, or if you dislike that idea, stronger robotic bodies would be a boon for everyone involved." he says, and notices Dala perk up at that.

"I am in agreement." Borous states.

That just leaves Klein... Everyone present turns to focus on him, they all knew Klein held massive pride in his position and ability. With the majority wanting to side with Afton, there was only two options for him... Join, or die.



Afton nods, "That's fine... I don't want to lead unfeeling robots after all, you all have your own initiative, if you feel I am doing something wrong then don't hesitate to bring it up with me... However, there will be rules..." he states.

I hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts