
Going To Her

Once, twice, three rings. My heart pounded and the need for air increased.

"Hi." Just one little word. But it was her voice and she was directing it to me. I could hear noises in the background. Like traffic.

"Fenju…how are you? You sounded upset on your message. I was in a meeting…" I trailed off realizing I'd started rambling. I forced my mouth closed and desperately wished for a lovely black clove cigarette.

She breathed heavy into the receiver.

"Mu Zhen, you said to call if anything weird happened…"

"What happened? Are you all right? Where are you right now?" I felt my blood run cold at her words and the sound of her voice.

"Are you outside?"

"I'm on a run at the moment. I had to get out of my head for a bit and just take a break," She said in her up and down breath.

"I'm coming to you, now. Tell me where you are, Fenju!?" I asked.
