
Own The Right

"Dr. Fang, I am here as someone's guest and would appreciate it if he did not see us talking." My stomach felt sick, and my heart was beating faster.

"You haven't returned my calls or rescheduled your appointments. You need to finish our sessions Miss Ru Wen, it's important and you know it."

"Dr. Fang," I whispered as I looked around to make sure no one, especially Mu Kai, if he saw us talking.

"I will, just give me some time please." I said.

"Time is not on your side Miss Ru Wen and it is important you schedule your appointment." He high up his tone.

"I cannot talk about this here, please Dr. Fang." He walked away shaking his head.

So I walked into the restroom and checked my hair and makeup. I glossed up my lips, and as I opened the door to step out, I was startled to see Mu Kai standing against the wall with his arms folded.

He glared at me as I spoke.

"Ouh, hi? Why are you standing there like that?"

"Because you have been gone for quite a while and I was checking to make sure you are ok. I was giving you five more seconds before I was opening the door and coming in after you."

I walked away from him.

"Wow, are you?"

I heard him sigh.

"I'm not a stalker for the last time, I was concerned for your safety." I rolled my eyes and he had safety issues, and it was starting to annoy me.

We walked back to the table, and as we passed the "one" next to us, Mu Kai looked over at the tall beautiful woman.

She smiled at him.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked.

"I am if you are."

He smiled, and we walked outside where Gu Min was waiting for us. He stopped and turned to me.

"Gu Min will take you home, I have something I need to wrap up here." He took my hand and lightly kissed it.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight, I hope you had a good time." His lips were warm on my skin, but I too was focused on the fact that he was not coming to drive me home.

I looked into his eyes.

"Oh. I had a wonderful time, thank you for inviting me."

He nodded and opened the door. I slid in the back seat and waved goodbye trying to hide the disappointment in my eyes.

"Good evening Miss Ru," Gu Min said as he looked in the rear view mirror.

"Hi Gu Min," I replied as I looked out the window.

The night air was exceptionally warm for this summer, and I wanted to do something other than go home to an empty apartment.

"Gu Min, could you please drive me to the beach?" I asked.

He looked up in the rear view mirror.

"Sorry Miss, but my orders were to take you straight home." He refused.

I politely smiled.

"Gu Min, either you can drive me to the beach or I will call a taxi the minute you drop me off at home. Mr. Mu does not own me nor does he have the right to tell me what to do. And I do not care if he told you to take me home, I'm telling you otherwise. Now, please drop me off at the beach." I adamant.

"Fine Miss Ru, if you say so," he sighed.

"I do say so and if Mr. Mu has a problem with it, then I will deal with him."
