

"With this, you will be immortal in this world, to be the guiding spirit of my religion and your descendant. This is the best I could do for you, Han Min," Bai Shijue said. "I'm sorry I can't defy your death."

The spectral Han Min kneeled right beside Han Ning and then prostrated deeply, "Master Bai! You have given me a grace that no human will ever get! I will forever be indebted to you and follow you for eternity!" 

Bai Shijue chuckled, "You will be mainly stationed here, in this village. But since you're a light spirit now, you can roam around the land. You can guide those people who have been worshipping me for so long. You don't have to worry about your health or physique now."

"Yes, Master Bai! I will surely help people who are worshipping you! I will also be a great teacher for all of my descendants!" Han Min said. 
