

Bai Shijue sat on top of a giant lotus, floating midair while playing his Guqin near the Loom forest. He played his Guqin to spend his time, and the rest of the sect elders sat piously, looking up and worshipping.

Bai Shijue wouldn't play his Guqin in public. He knew the melody coming out of his plucked strings would hypnotize everyone and make everyone voluntarily worship him like a God.

But he couldn't hide his worry for Han Shun.

He was afraid that something might've happened to the young man inside the forest since he was alone. 

[Pupa, are you sure he is alright? Maybe he is hungry, thirsty, or wants me to cuddle him because he feels cold? Maybe he wants me to brush his hair because it is entangled with the leaves?]

[Pupa: Geez, you treated him like some sort of princess. He is fine. If he dies, then we will restart immediately.]

[Pupa: Besides, Han Shun is incredibly powerful for his age. He can handle everything himself.]
