
Chapter 219: five questions and five answers (2/3)

Race to the 


Chapter 219: five questions and five answers (2/3)

"Tell me 5 things that are true about your life that you know but still try to ignore it. Any 5 things" Zhu Hu asked Hao Lei

"no.1 –I know that I am not perfect, yet I act as if I am the perfect man in this world as cause I want to be perfect. I know that it can never be true, yet i ignore it and try

No.2- Living life means that you have to make difficult choices…. But I can't make them thus I try to make a simple decision and make it sound as if I have made some hard decision and lie to myself that 'I have made a hard decision'.

I always ignore hard decisions in my life


*took a long breath*

I have created so many fake faces… that I have forgotten my real face.

Till this time, I don't know if the face I am having right now is true or… fake. I have forgotten who I am but still, I try making it sound as if I know who I am…. And what I am doing
