
Chapter Seventy-four(74)

"Well that puts things into perspective" Charles said then turned his chair to face Miss Anna again who just smiled knowing what he was talking about.

James's age was something you could find online if you actually tried and you could even guess his age just by looking at him but considering all he had accomplished most wouldn't think he was really 14.

"Mrs Mactaggart?" James said as he turned to the woman who was looking at him with a suspicious gaze

"Is he the one who would help me" She asked as she turned to miss Anna

"Yes, James, Mrs Moira's son is a Meta that needs special attention do you think you can help him"

"But we have the Meta Department, they handle this kind of things special or not" James replied

"I know but I don't think they can handle this one" Miss Anna said

"Why, can he manipulate reality or something" James joked despite knowing the truth

"....." The entire room went quiet

"Oh… he's that kind of special, then is the person here or…." James asked

"No, we can't afford to let Kevin leave his containment unit of not he will possess multiple people and burn through their bodies within minutes" Charles explained

"Has he shown a weakness to anything at all… well apart from his need for a body to survive"

"Yes, metal, for some reason, he isn't able to burn through metal as he does other materials. He can still control it though but only when he focuses on doing so" Hank said as he turned his attention to the boy in front of them who now looked more like an experienced doctor than a common 14 year old.

"If that's so then getting him a physical body is easy and no, I am not putting him in a robot body but I still want to ask, do you want your son to remain a reality warper or I should change his abilities to just be a powerful telepath and telekinetic?" James asked turning to the woman

"You can change his powers?" the trio asked in surprise

"Well yes, if I can remove the ability in total and reverse physical mutations then of course, I can manipulate the X-Gene to grant it's user any form of power" James replied nonchalantly

"I don't know, I just want my son back" Moira said

"Great, then powerful telepath it is then, I kind of don't want that sort of power being in the hands of a 17 year old hormonal teenager" James said as though he wasn't a teenager too and worse, he held way more power, authority and respect than Kevin could ever command.

"Door!" James ordered and a golden light appeared on the ground as it quickly grew until it formed a door-shaped portal

"What's that?" Charles asked cautiously

"It's a portal to your son…. Well not directly to him but it's still to your Mutant Research Center on Muir Island"

"I thought powers didn't work here on Elysium" Hank asked surprised by the display

"Oh they don't but things are different when you have an omnipotent device with you" James replied casually as he shook the Motherbox in his hand.

"I see, that's why your mother is allowing a random group like us make away with her son" Charles said

"Yes and also because I am a Meta" James replied as he stepped through the door to the other side where he was immediately hit with the nice beach smell.

James didn't have to hide his actions from his mother anymore since he had told everything…. Well at least everything. In order to get his family to use the Mother box, he would have to explain what it does and how it does it but as we all know. Nobody knows exactly all that a Motherbox was capable of so after a while the situation became more of a question and answer session with Miss Anna grilling him for more information.

James on the other hand, answered as honestly as possible simply because he knew that if he doesn't, they would still find out courtesy of the Motherbox being omniscient. So he told them everything while leaving some parts out like the fact that he could manipulate reality instead he just told them that he was a Meta with the ability to create any sort of material he could think of out of thing air. Said explanation was correct in a way since a physical portal doesn't appear when he takes something out of the Resource dimension.
