
Euria left a letter

Episode 179-  Euria left a letter

While the Great Nobles were on their way to the Veria mountain, they witnessed many black flares that went off as well as many kind citizens that had moved their way for them to pass through. What was more shocking was citizens making one big block of wall and guarding the bottom of the Veria mountain. Naturally, the citizens moved away quickly when they saw their carriages. 

Levis did not have the time to thank them, but Ron Graeme who came with them got off of the carriage and thanked the citizens in his stead. 




Tap. Tap. Tap. 

Slow, heavy footsteps headed Eugene's ways. The only sounds in the hall were the ticking of the clock and these footsteps. Eugene did not care, bother, and didn't want to know who was walking in her direction. 
