

編輯: Henyee Translations

"It's Fang Xinxin who asked to switch seats…" Wu Jiatong refused to give up.

"Drawing lots is the most 'fair' method." Jiang Xingnan's expression was stony. "If everyone insists they don't want their allocated seats, what's the point of drawing lots? Scram back to your seat!"

Wu Jiatong returned to her own desk with a humiliated expression. She glared harshly at Fang Xinxin. She was certain that the damned woman knew that Brother Nan hated breaking the rules and had intentionally tricked her into embarrassing herself!

Fang Xinxin knew that Wu Jiatong had feelings for Jiang Xingnan. She had created an opportunity for her with good intentions.

To think that Wu Jiatong was not grateful. She even shot a hateful look at her.

Since this sort of person treated good intentions like trash, she would grant her the wish.

Thus, Xinxin headed for the empty seat next to Jiang Xingnan.
