

Zi watched the black orb with trepidation. She knew that she had taken this entity by surprise originally; that was the reason she was able to not only suppress it, but also injure it.

Now it was no longer unprepared or spread out defenselessly. Now it had regained its footing, so to speak. Zi felt the foreboding feeling of being observed by a giant, a giant about to strike.

The surface of the black orb began to shift and swirl. Zi felt the imminent attack building so she swiftly withdrew her consciousness; emptying the mysterious soul scape of the purple clouds that had invaded it.

The black orb was left alone once more among the glistening shards of a lost soul. The swirling across its surface slowly receded and tentacles once again emerged from the orb, snaking their way back to the soul shards. Though if one observed closely, they would notice the decrease in number of the shadowy feelers surfacing from the black orb, and the distinct murderous aura that it emanated.


Rackshar shuddered as he came to his senses. The last thing he had expected was a soul attack, because for one, they were incredibly rare, and two such attacks would have no effect on his god soul. Unless of course the attacking soul was also on the god level.

This time though, he had been unlucky, for three reasons. First was the fact that Rackshar's soul was already injured, making it more vulnerable than it should have been. Second, to use this human shell, he had to spread out his soul in order control the pieces of the soul interconnected to the body, almost like moving a puppet using strings. Though the last reason was because of the unique soul scape.

A normal soul could be represented as singular person or entity. If one wished to invade the entity that is the soul, they would have to push past the outer defenses that one naturally had in order to even get any traction for an attack. Thus, soul attacks of the same level usually had little effect outside of disorienting the opponent for a brief moment.

A soul scape, on the other hand, was where two souls resided together, like two individuals in the same room. The problem with this, is it allowed others to enter with almost no resistance. Like there was a bubble around Rackshar's and Kaleb's soul that if one wished to enter all they would need to push past the outer layer.

This was how Zi had been able to get in and do so much damage to Rackshar even with an ordinary soul. She easily entered the soul scape and devoured Rackshar's vulnerable spread-out soul, strengthening her own in the process.

Rackshar was slumped against the side of the ruined wagon. He glanced up at Zi and although his vision was a bit blurry, he could see the caution in her eyes. Shaking his head to clear it Rackshar straightened himself and looked at the girl in front of him. Though she still had caution in her eyes, the corner of her mouth was twitching from watching him have to clear his head. Gritting his teeth in annoyance Rackshar reached down to scoop his knife off the ground, where it had fallen when he had passed out.

"You're going to suffer for that." Rackshar growled in a low voice. He made sure not to meet her eyes when looking at her this time, though those were the first targets he planned on destroying.

Rackshar brought the knife up and froze. He was planning to slash through both the angle's eyes at the same time to take away her ability to do a soul attack. Yet just at the zenith of his strike, his muscles seized up stopping any further movement.

"...Wwwhha...ttttthhhhe..?" Rackshar breathed through his clenched jaw, as dark blue veins began to emerge on the surface of his clenching muscles and blood began to pour out of his bandaged wounds.

White light glazed across over his vision, as Rackshar watched the angel drifting farther and farther away from him, despite her not moving at all. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his muscles unclenched, and he dropped to the floor of the wagon.

Zi watched as her would be attacker collapsed, shock written across her face. Just as she thought that it was the end looking at the knife about to descend, her would be murderer seemed to have a stroke.

She swiftly leaned over and grabbed the knife from his hands, sawing through her bonds. Free at last she stood up and massaged her wrists, chaffed by the rough rope.

"Miss, please free us as well!"

Zi looked to her side and saw a large beast man looking at her imploringly. A child of the same race in a filthy blue dress cuddled against his side shivering in fear at the gore that still coated the wagon.

Zi walked in front of him and glanced around the wagon. Making sure to never make eye contact with him, lest she damage his soul.

"Where's her mother?" She asked as she began to saw through his ropes.

He paused for a moment, answering with a husky voice laced with grief.

"Died in the raid, right in front of her." He said, looking down at his daughter as a tear slide down his cheek. "Thank you for this miss."

Zi kept silent, she knew what she was doing. She was planning to free all that were left in this wagon. That way it would be harder to track her down, by giving them easier prey to hunt. Though she hoped this father and daughter could escape, Zi knew life was a harsher reality than hopes allowed. She had hoped that she could keep living with her mother and father, but here she was, escaping slavery after 3 close scrapes with death. Her mother and father were probably dead, if they were lucky. She hoped, but that was as far as she dared to go.

She finished freeing the slaves who said their thanks briefly before scattering into the woods. Zi wasn't too worried about their head start, they were peasants and farmers, none of which could fly, she would overtake them easily.

She paused over the body of Rackshar, in the now empty wagon. She glanced at the knife in her hands and back to the still form before her. Her eyes glinted for a moment before she turned and walked into the clearing. She stretched her wings and flapped a few times experimentally before taking off, soaring above the trees into the distance.
