
Legend of Yggdrasil

"An enemy? Do we even have the right to be this person's enemy, mayor?" asked the director of finance with sarcasm before he continued, "We can only seek a friendly relationship with this elf. Being his enemy means death."

"That's right," the chief of police agreed before adding, "It might not be a bad thing if we could make this person our ally. We've always been in need of someone who could keep the Dark Emperor in check. This person could be that someone."

"I agree! This elf's power is immeasurable. Even the Four Emperors aren't capable of producing an attack of that level, and with such ease at that!" the city attorney added. 

"Considering this elf went out of his way to destroy half of the bug's territory, we can assume that we are on the same side. Nevertheless, that doesn't make him our ally either. We will need to work for that."

"But where can we find this person?" the director of finance asked.
