
Wolf Stew

Bringing up the possibility of blocked pores, Albion's eyes flashed with a quick look and found out all of Fenriri's pores were blocked. 

"Oh, it seems all your pores are blocked. If it's like this, then you won't be able to absorb spiritual energy through them—for now anyway," Albion nonchalantly stated without concern.

"Does Master have a way to unblock them? How much faster can Fenriri absorb spiritual energy if the pores are unblocked?" Fenriri inquired curiously.

"I naturally have a method to unblock your pores," Albion stated confidently with a nod before saying, "Depending on your proficiency, increasing your absorption rate by a hundredfold or higher is not out of the question."

"A H-Hundrefold?!" Fenriri's eyes gradually widened in shock.

"Of course, even if you are terrible at absorbing through your unblocked pores, your absorption rate would still increase by tenfold at the very least," Albion casually added.
