
I Don't Wanna Go!

Albion's thoughts did not linger on the topic as he shifted his gaze and looked into the depths of the void beyond the command center's clear screen with an indecipherable expression, affecting Polemos's mood to also become solemn.

"What's the situation on the three Horsemen? Have you been keeping track of their movements?" Albion asked impassively.

"Yes, my Lord." Polemos nodded solemnly.

"After hacking in their private network, their actions have never left my sight since half a year ago. However, just the other day, all my hidden spyware was suddenly destroyed. Evidently, they have been uneasy and more cautious ever since you revealed your absolute might to the world, my Lord."

"They destroyed all your hidden spyware at the same time, huh? Seems like your so-called hidden spyware weren't so hidden after all," Albion casually remarked.
