
An Elf's Tale, Part 5

Eshwlyn barely slept. 

For most of the first night, save for the rare fleeting moments when she'd permit herself to rest, she sat silent in a readied stance - watching over Lenora as she gradually expanded and stretched, occupying most of their bedding space. 

Her pointed ears stayed perked and listening - hearing the faint breathing of slumber, the little noises of the living, stirring night outside, occasionally disruptive, assailed, aggravatingly too… by that ugly 'snore' resounding deeper within the burrow. 

Human sounds were like thorns constantly pricking the inner parts of her ears, and due to that very agony, there was no chance of her ever mistaking them for anything else. 

So she continued to listen - scouring the many noises for anything rustling, for any sway of the forest greens amiss, for any more distinct human noise. Humans rarely travel alone, their strength relied on numbers… this woman wasn't alone, there had to be more. 
