
Unsaid and Unasked

Adalia's surprise love bite eventually dwindled and settled down to a somewhat tolerable level after a while… and in the end, I still never got to know the difference between getting fanged in the arm or getting fanged in the neck, on account of Adalia's silence.

A silence that carried on to her gradual slumber, after a feast like the one she passionately partook in, sleep came at her in almost an instant, and by the time I was steady on my knees enough for questioning, a contentful, peaceful expression had already taken over her face as she laid herself curled snugly in my bed sheets. 

Cute was an appropriate term to describe her right then, but in my opinion, a more perfect word was baffling… because to her slumbering half-hair-ridden face, I could only fight the urge to shake her silly until she mumbled out some answers, besides… I have more important things to deal with now anyway… 

Where the hell is that tent, man?
