
The Reasons Why, Part 4

Life throws curveballs. Sometimes you're able to deal with it, sometimes you could catch that whizzing ball square in the palm of your hand, sometimes you're only able to make do with a narrow miss… and you'll just have to settle for that.

Other times though, that curveball just ends up going splat in your face, nothing you could do about it. Now those 'other times' were actually most of my times when it came to curves and balls. 

You could even say, I wasn't a stranger in getting balled in the face. I had more than just my fair share… In fact, in more recent times, it's all I ever know now. 

But this… but Jay… he's no curveball, he wasn't even a goddamn curveboulder - curvemountain was putting it lightly. Sometimes the only valid response to madness was just pure bewilderment. 
