
Everything Shall End With Me!

"Grandma? Thanks God you're here! Come inside!" Evelyn said and opened the door wide.

Menedelia entered the room.

Evelyn closed the door and locked it. "Have a seat," she offered the chair.

Menedelia lowered herself on the chair and noticed how miserable Evelyn looked right now. "Where is the lord?" she asked.

Evelyn released a deep sigh. "He's going crazy trying to find our missing daughter, Angela. It breaks my heart seeing him so broken like this, and I can't sleep thinking about my daughter. I'm afraid of what Rigor have already done to her!" she lamented.

Sighing, Menedelia grasped Evelyn's hands. "I'm sorry to hear that..." she said, trying to console her friend. "By the way, I come here to tell you about the good news. Zero is finally out of danger. The couple will be returning here tomorrow. Their crisis is over temporarily, unless of course, that mysterious guy will start manipulating Nini's body and mind again."
