
Forget Him!


A thousand miles away.

Graven was hovering in the air - above Beerdale Town, looking for the two missing women around the area, wondering where did the captors hide his wife and Rebecca?

Luke mentioned this town as one of his favorite places to visit. He did mention a lot of towns in the past during their conversations.

Since there is no fresh lead where Rebecca was taken, he has to start from scratch again, and this town was first on his list to visit.

Where to find the two missing women? A question that has no answer yet.

If Luke used a concealing technique to mask Laura's scent then he would have a hard time finding her even if she's just under his nose sleeping inside one of the houses and mansion below him.

If he has to investigate every house and check every person living in there to find his wife, that would be time-consuming!

He just hopes Luke didn't use concealing technique on his wife, masking her scent, so that he can find her easily.
