
Take Me!

Graven, Rebecca and the bats were now on the outskirts of South Pond Town.

Graven was about to unleash the deadly flames from his body, but suddenly the bats slowly transformed itself into something...

Into three big giant eagles!

And a voice spoke coming from one of them.

"Go ahead... you can kill us anytime...but even if you kill us now more bats will come and kill everyone in this town. All I need is the woman named Laura, she is our Queen, as long she comes with us peacefully, this town will no longer be visited by the likes of us. Give her to us or else we will kill everyone in this town!" the leader of the eagle demanded.

Graven's body was already a ball of fire. He was about to throw a deadly flame at the leader of the eagle but Rebecca stopped him.

"Stop, Graven! They told us that there will be more bats to come if we don't give them Laura. I will go with them!" Rebecca said. She took the hood away from her face and voila! she looks like Laura now.
